September 13, 2021

Sissy Cali Explores Various Parts Of Her Erotic Fantasy World

I was reading an amazing abdl blog online not too long ago, and believe it or not but, I actually got so excited as I absorbed all of the sexual stories and scenarios that came up.  I love having a creative mind so I could easily fantasize well enough to infuse myself into any story.  One of the things that I am proud of and love to be called is Sissy Cali.  I love being the girl next door who has something extra and I love to be dominated. When […]
May 24, 2021

Tawny’s Sweet Sissy Girl Pearl

It was a secret that he thought that he was hiding from Tawny, his step mommy but she knew all along that Harper was a sissy.  He would sneak to try on her clothes when she went to work and she always knew that they were tampered with when she retuned home. One day she pretended to go to work and Harper was still home.  She thought that it would be great to walk in on him and surprise him by catching him in the act.  So she was sticking […]
April 2, 2018

Force Messing Your Adult Diaper Part 2

You can’t go until  your Abdl Sitter tells you that you’re allowed do you understand me you little adult baby. We have a busy day  as I have to take you shopping before my girl friends get there. You look around nervously and anxiously fidgets as you are thinking about what i could possibly have in my mind. Hehe We walk into the store and it has lots of different style petticoats and skirts!  We grab a few and take you to the dressing room and i have two of […]
November 20, 2016

Want To Go Dress Shopping Part 2

now we put on your plastic panties and then some pretty white pantyhose right then a pretty hello kitty skirt and shirt that barely fits you! Now let’s grab your shoes and slide them on you and then your diaper bag and cup. Now its time to put you in your car seat and strap you in all nice and cozy! Now we are backing out of the driveway and we have a couple of stores we are going to go to the first one we pull into is old […]
January 17, 2016

Barb’s Babies

As an abdl mommy, I have many little ones to take care of! I welcome any who need to be cared for no matter what their situation might be or what happen to be their favorite things! This mommy caters to all of the needs of adult babies and diaper lovers alike! A crib complete with mobiles overhead to lull you to sleep after mommy’s lullaby and she has slipped off. Pillows and blankets (or blankies if you need one!) are tucked neatly inside with plenty of stuffed animals. My […]
January 11, 2016

Nursery Tales – The story begins

Hello my little ABDLs, today is a very special day in Nanny Ella’s Nursery. Today we start story time. The best part about my stories? They are all true! These aren’t simply stories that I am telling, they are story-telling, the stories of the Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers who  have come to my real life ABDL nursery. And so, we begin… Once there was a young woman who was kind and caring. On a night like any other night, the woman met a man who eventually invited her into […]
January 4, 2016

Diaper Boy

“Wow! Really? So this is why you wont have sex with me! Now I understand. I wasn’t the problem, you are! I can’t believe I find out that my husband is a diaper boy! Don’t look at me like that! Like you’re disgusted. I’m the one that just found my husband jacking off in his diaper. I thought that you didn’t find me attractive but I completely understand now. Is diaper sex what you want? If that’s the case, then I’m sure our sex life can be salvaged. If being […]
December 6, 2015

Double up the Diapers

Brrrrrr! I don’t know about what you all think, but the weather has really been getting chilly lately! Perfect for sweaters, cocoa, and curling up with my little adult babies. The fireplace warms us up nicely while we lay on the couch and cuddle and spend time together. We can’t always stay here in our little slice of paradise though… Sadly. Sometimes, we have to be productive and we have to leave the house and our warm blankets behind. With the cold weather comes new thoughts on my mind… I […]
October 18, 2015

Cloth or Disposable

During my time as an ABDL mommy, I have come to realize that there are all sorts of preferences out there when it comes to having all sorts of diaper related fun! One thing that I am always sure to ask my adult babies when we first start out is what type of diaper they prefer! Most of my diaper lovers enjoy both cloth and disposable diapers, but many of them also have one that they really enjoy wearing more than the other. Being on the outside looking in, I […]
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