May 14, 2011

Dirty Diaper Boy

OMG how long have you been in that Dirty Diaper? You are really a messy diaper boy! I cannot believe that my pesky lil stepbrother is such a slob. *Waves hands in front of my nose* you smell like a big poop head! Like what am I going to tell my friends when they come over, like they are going laugh and make fun of you. You know this right? Right? Is that what you want? To be called a big poop head? *Laughs hysterically* Step Sister Mandy 1 888 […]
April 24, 2011

Chloroform Baby

I had a call a while back with one of my little lads and as always he has some of the funniest ideas for a call. In this call his parents had passed away leaving him a insurmountable fortune and I was a co-ed of his at college that wanted to get a hold of that fortune. As you sit and sob on the front lawn of the campus after hearing the news, I hand you my hanky that is laced with chloroform it doesn’t knock you out but it […]
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