February 1, 2009

Tea Time

Cum little one let’s get you ready for our guest. We have to put some panties and a training bra on you and put you in this frilly dress. That’s my little sissy come and help Mommy serve tea. Won’t you do a little dance for our guest dear? Make sure to give us a glimpse of those panties. You are making Mommy so hot watching you do your little spins and showing off your cute little diapered bottom. Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
August 28, 2008

Riddles and Jokes

You walk into a barber shop, there are two barbers. One of the barbers has messy hair and the other has very well cut hair, who do you chose? You have 2 coins that equal 30cents. One of the coins is not a nickel…what are the coins? (yes they’re american money) A guy walks into a bar and says “Ouch”. There are these two guys walking down the street, one with a lab and the other with a chihuahua. The first guy says to the other guy “lets go grab […]
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