April 2, 2010

Standing up

  A week doesn’t seem to go by that I don’t hear about some jerk being mean to someone because of their differences. Some people are intolerant of another’s right to be themselves. It’s important to stand up for yourself and not let them get you down. You don’t have to be mean back, but let them know you won’t be pushed into feeling shame over something undeserving of shame. It happens in all walks of life, not just sexuality and fetishes. Be proud to be different and appreciate and […]
October 22, 2009

After Mommy’s panties

Mommy’s panties are so tempting to baby. I know you snag them when you are toddling around in your diaper and Mommy is busy. You think you are being sneaky but you are about to find out that I have known all of this time. Then you’ll find Mommy covering your face in her creamy panties and forcing you to sniff at her command. How red will your face be when Mommy confronts you I wonder. Mommy Scarlet
September 18, 2009

Adult baby humiliation

It’s a lot of fun diapering you up and forcing you to live as my baby. It’s time to take it to the next step though. Expose baby to other Mommies. I’m going to make you ultra adorable to make sure you get all of the attention you deserve. Now you’re in thick cloth diapers and very bright blue plastic pants. Don’t you just look like Mommy’s little waddle wormy? It’s going to be hard walking through the library like that though, but I don’t want you to miss story […]
February 23, 2009


Mommy Sara is wanting to play with all her babies. Mommy loves to breastfeed her abies and force them to wear diapers! Mommy can help you with that little stiff pee pee, Mommy promises to take special care of her lil ones. But if your naughty watch out because Mommy Sara will gladly take you over her knee! Mommy Sara 1888-430-2010
February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Make-Over!

Hello my pretty little sissies! Mommy Lauren has been doing some serious shopping and I have so many new and beautiful girly dresses, ribbons, lacey socks & panties for all our dress-up fun. We have a special Valentines Day Party to attend with all our sissy friends so you better hurry up and call Mommy so I can get started on your Valentine’s Day Make-over! What fun we will have. 🙂 1-888-430-2010 muahxoxoxoxomuah, Mommy Lauren
February 5, 2009

Play Time with Mommy Lauren

Mommy Lauren’s Specialties: Pampering – ABDL – Cloth Diapers – Nursing – Coddling Good morning my precious little darlings I have been oh so busy working on my new playroom. Mommy Lauren has lot’s and lot’s of special suprises for you and I cant wait to play! Why dont you come sit on my lap with a soft, warm blankie and take your milk that you love so much? I’m always ready to feed my darling angels it makes me so happy to see my milk dribble down your cute […]
January 25, 2009

ABDL Friendship

Crazy thing happened the other day, my little abie was at work and a young new employee slipped up and told him that she was into the ab dl lifestyle. He told me that his mouth dropped to the floor *giggles* She was cute as a button he told me and has asked her to meet him for coffee next weekend. I am very excited for him. He has been waiting a very long time to meet another abdl in real life! Good luck to you my abie! I can […]
January 18, 2009

Hide-n-go Seek

Now this looks like my kinda playground! Do you want to play with me? Mommy Sara loves playing hide and go seek and what better place to hide then this castle. Ah, the fun we could have hidden away all by ourselves. Long dark, quiet, hallways and I am sure lots of trap doors and hidden rooms! You think you can hide from Mommy? Ready or Not here I Come!
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