May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Poem

A mother’s love determines how We love ourselves and others. There is no sky we’ll ever see Not lit by that first love. Stripped of love, the universe Would drive us mad with pain; But we are born into a world That greets our cries with joy. How much I owe you for the kiss That told me who I was! The greatest gift–a love of life– Lay laughing in your eyes. Because of you my world still has The soft grace of your smile; And every wind of fortune […]
July 1, 2009

Water Play

It’s such a gorgeous day outside! I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in. We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us. I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on a baby’s tushie! […]
April 30, 2009

Diaper Dreams

Mommy Lauren was talking to one of her most special abies on the phone and he told me about a very happy dream that he had. My abie had a special dream that Mommy Lauren brought home a most wonderful surprise a beautiful basket full of assorted diapers. Disposable and cloth of every single color and style. As my abie looked through the basket with much delight he also found plastic panties in all colors some with ruffles some plain and matching bonnets and bibs. We spent the entire afternoon […]
April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Well the Easter Bunny comes for a visit tomorrow. Eggs to dye and hide, baskets to fill, and put on your prettiest spring dress! Hope everyone enjoys the day and Happy Easter to ALL! Gina 1-888-430-2010
April 4, 2009

~*~Pick Your Poison~*~

Do you remember in the old days, when you would have to go out back and pick out a switch to be used on you when you were naughty? Well, Mommy Gina still believes in that. But instead of a switch, you will have to pick the instrument that will be used to punish you. I have a wide assortment for all you naughty little ones to choose from. Now Mommy Gina doesn’t want to spank you, but you must learn to behave and do as you’re told! So call […]
March 12, 2009


Aren’t you glad you are all grown up now? Now YOU get to choose when to play. *giggles* And if you want a whole room filled with playpen balls, you can do just that! Wouldn’t it be great just to get into a diaper and then jump into all those balls? Think of how fun that would be! We could play hide and go seek, bury each other under the balls, put the balls down our diapers, throw them at each other, stuff balls down our onesies and laugh and […]
January 21, 2009

My sweet pet "J"

My sweet pet “J” went above and beyond this week. I asked him for a photo of the cute Valentine’s Day socks he’d just bought to wear for me, the ones that are pink and white and red with little hearts and sparklies on them. I’m sure you’ve seen something like them. I only asked for a picture of the socks themselves. Well silly pet “J” didn’t listen yet again, and he actually sent me a picture of him wearing them! *giggles* What a silly pet. Almost got caught wearing […]
December 31, 2008

I see you…

I see you. You’re watching me change my clothes. You are anxiously awaiting that moment when I slip out of my pants and panties and into a nice, soft diaper. I know you ache to be here with me. I know you want to be the one to slip it under my nice round bottom. You drool over the thought of powdering me all over before pulling that diaper up between my legs and snugging it up tight. I know you cannot wait for the day to get your hands […]
December 24, 2008

Daddy’s Little Girl

I often feel like Daddy’s Little Girl at this time of year. There’s presents and parties and time for me to just be spoiled rotten! With lots of offers to diaper me up, it makes all the hectic days leading up to the festivities worth every moment! Now that I’ve been spoiled, it’s time for me to spoil…you and you and you and oh yes you too! *giggles* Maybe you want to spoil me after the holidays are over? Oh my! Daddy I would just love that! *skips off giggling* […]
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