January 6, 2013

Forced into a diaper at gun point? Well that’s one way to do it,lol! I have lots of ideas on how to get you into those diapers and doing whatever I say. They vary from the sensual side to the more…violent side,heehee. Just depends on how far you want to go. I prefer coercion. But if you don;t want to play nice then the diaper Domme side of me may just have to make an appearance. Does that get your attention now? Why yes, I think it does. I have […]
December 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Disguise

Ok, you have to admit, these are adorable.  Perfect for all you adult babies who don’t want to be recognized for the paci-sucking Abies you are.  Just slip one of these puppies in your mouth and WHAA-LA! Instant disguise, heeheehee.  No one will know it’s you behind that mustache ;).  They won’t look at you sorta sideways, then look to see if you’ve got a thick adult diaper on to match that baby button that’s been popped in your mouth …naaaaahhhh…. LOL! Such wonderful little Adult Babie phone sex sessions […]
December 24, 2012


You are a manslut sissy. You just enough of being regressed and diapered, then getting a big hard one in you slutty,sissy mouth. Finding it tastes good yes it tastes like cotton candy to you. Your biggest turn on would be to find your self bound to a high chair with a lot of big men around to use you anyway they want. They could take each one of your holes and stretch them out to fit whatever they like. One day they may feel like using your baba to […]
December 17, 2012


diaperslut has a way of trying to weasel his way out of things he is made to do. He has a big messy diaper on that he expects me to change right away I tell him and tell him you gotta wait til I am done with my work then I will make it all clean. He gives me a very big fuss about the whole thing, throwing himself down and stomping his feet whining how bad it smells and if I was a really good mommy that loved him […]
October 27, 2012

Dommy Mommy Halloween

This year your going to experience what a true Dommy Mommy is for Halloween. You have been a naughty baby lately and Mommy has let you get away with it quite long enough. Mommy has a special Halloween costume for you. I caught you with your hands in your diaper again. Now you know that ABies aren’t allowed to do such naughty things. So mommy is going to have to take extreme measures with you.  I will be placing you in chastity and for good measure…a diaper with a pair […]
June 28, 2011

Poopy Pants gets Busted!

Now I hope you learned your lesson little man! Mommy has warned you to always be sure to have on clean underwear. But this time you really did it! Busted by the police in your poopy pants. Now you’re bound and calling Mommy to get you out of trouble once again. Mommy’s has to change you right here in front of the officers and all the neighbors, keeping you in the handcuffs the officers put on you as you kick and scream. Mommy has to keep you in diapers for […]
April 9, 2011

Diaper Play

I have just been sitting in my classroom reading over some truly comical stories of diaper play. I love to read stories from my adult baby diaper lovers & sissies about their adventures. I think I shall mark them all with a Star! Always brings such a smirk to my face. Do you have a diaper story you would like to share with me? Or one that you would like to act out over the phone? I would love to hear it. Mommy Becca 1 888 430 2010
March 20, 2011

Why Choose?

  ~ Ya know, sometimes I just can’t decide on what type of punishment and humiliation to impose on my play things. Should I dress him up in a slutty little number? How about forcing them into a diaper and deny him the use of a toilet? And of course there are the reliable and faithful straps. ~ Hmmmmm…decisions, decisions. And then I think, why choose? Why not all three? A nice thick diaper, a sweet lacey garter belt and stockings, and locked and restrained – perfect! Oh, and did […]
March 13, 2011

Tease & Denial

No! you may not stroke that Cock! You want to I know, but you haven’t been given permission yet now have you? Oh, there is a pounding in your head, a longing to reach that hand down inside that diaper, just aching to give it a quick jerk! *slap slap* You must refrain little man, you must only touch it upon my instruction. Tehehehe. Is it throbbing Hahaha! And it will continue to throb until you call and then maybe just maybe ….I’ll let you give it a little squeeze. […]
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