December 6, 2021

My Diaper Sissy Is My Lover

My diaper sissy is the person that I want to have in my room to play with me. I want to make sure that my diaper sissy is the one that I take with me to the nursery and that is where I make sure that he needs to be changed. I will make sure that it is a soft surface that he lays on and then it will be time to sing him s songs and play footsies with him.  I may tickle him some times and other times […]
December 5, 2021

Being A Sissy Has Brought Me Happiness

Dreaming for years about being a sissy finally came into fruition.  It is more than just a sissy fetish for me as I enjoy all aspects of being a girl.  I even have friend that gives me her used sanitary products when she gets her cycle so I can wear them to pretend that I have a cycle also.  Being this way has brought me so much happiness and joy that I never ever want to go back to a place where I am hiding who I am from family, […]
September 19, 2021

ABDL Baby Katie Entertains Herself With Dwarf Porn

It is a Sunday and I am looking to be entertained so I put on the TV to watch a few hours of porn after looking at a specific abdl blog prior to see porn as with that type of entertainment, you could never go wrong.  I started watching a bunch of orgies and that really turned me on.  Chicks walking home who would be approached by a bunch of guys and one of them would ask her if she wanted to fuck and then the corny music would play […]
May 24, 2021

Tawny’s Sweet Sissy Girl Pearl

It was a secret that he thought that he was hiding from Tawny, his step mommy but she knew all along that Harper was a sissy.  He would sneak to try on her clothes when she went to work and she always knew that they were tampered with when she retuned home. One day she pretended to go to work and Harper was still home.  She thought that it would be great to walk in on him and surprise him by catching him in the act.  So she was sticking […]
February 24, 2021

Recalling Sizzling Hot and Erotic ABDL Stories

Many times I would remember a slew of abdl sissy stories that would turn me on. There are a bunch of them that are exciting and then then there are those that drive me wild and up the wall and those that are so touching and sweet because it impacts me how I transformed the life of others.  This brings to mind a time that  I recall when I was at a camp a long time ago as a counselor, there was another adult camper that I caught dressing up […]
June 13, 2020

I am locking you in your diapers and you are not coming out

I am locking you in your diapers and you are not coming out. You will experience extreme diaper humiliation from me as that is part of your punishment for being a naughty little abdl baby.  You were told not to release your piss from your clitty sized itty bitty pee pee yet you still pissed yourself without my permission.  How dare you release yourself, you fucking little drippy diaper sissy cunt whore! You thought it was a good idea just because you were getting a headache and experiencing severe cramping […]
April 25, 2020

Diapers on Order

  Little JJ is at home locked in his room by himself. He is glad because he doesn’t want anyone to know that he is a diaper lover  He is anxiously waiting for the delivery driver to arrive. Praying continuously that on one will come home before his  package arrives. The tension just builds more and more with each passing second feeling like hours if not days. I am going to get caught, he thinks to himself. If anyone one finds out I will be completely humiliated. And although, this […]
March 24, 2019

Sissy Spanking Needed!

You have misbehaved and been a naughty diaper sissy, haven’t you? Running around, flirting with all the men, flipping your skirt up around them like a little cock tease! That is simply not acceptable, and you know that you are going to be punished for your behavior.  Go ahead and kneel next to the bed, resting your arms across it to get in position for your well-deserved paddle spanking.  You will count out loud every time I bring the paddle down on your bottom and at the end of your […]
January 27, 2019

Forever A Silly Sissy Baby

You will always be a diapered sissy baby.  Everything that you wear will be lacy, frilly, super feminine and girly and sissified! You did try for awhile, and I know you wanted it to work, but there never was a chance that you could do it. So don’t feel ashamed about this, dear, it’s just your nature.  There’s no fighting who you are, so you need to embrace it!  Though you should always be horribly embarrassed with how your tiny sissy clittie always stays hard inside your diapers. I do […]
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