February 12, 2011

Phonesex Valentine

Free Photo Editor So when you are done doing all the good boy obligations, with Mommy and Wifey. It is time to have yourself a little fun! Break free for a little you time! Let me give you a Valentine Cock Pleasing Time! Ready for some cock throbbing sexplay? Sara 1 888 430 2010
November 21, 2010

Diaper Sex!

Cum play with me, Little Girl Mandy. There are a few things in life I love. One is Diapers! And besides from wearing my diaper it is having some diaper sex with you! Yes, You! *points at you* Where are all my like minded Diaper Lovers that wants to have some down right, hot, wet, messy, diaper sex? I miss you and I am sooooo wet and sooooo horny! Cum rub your diaper next to mine!!!! Mandy’s Waiting by the Phone, 1 888 430 2010
November 15, 2010

There's a New Cook In the Cafeteria

Good morning, staff and students. We have a brand new cook. And that’s why our lunch menu will have a brand new look. To make a good impression, our cook’s prepared a treat: your choice of snapping turtle soup or deep-fried monkey meat. If you’re a vegetarian, we have good news today: she’s serving pickled cauliflower and jellyfish soufflé. And for dessert our cook has made a recipe from France: I’m sure you’ll all want seconds— of chocolate-covered ants. I hope you like this gourmet feast. I hope you won’t […]
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