April 9, 2011

Diaper Play

I have just been sitting in my classroom reading over some truly comical stories of diaper play. I love to read stories from my adult baby diaper lovers & sissies about their adventures. I think I shall mark them all with a Star! Always brings such a smirk to my face. Do you have a diaper story you would like to share with me? Or one that you would like to act out over the phone? I would love to hear it. Mommy Becca 1 888 430 2010
September 23, 2009

Mommies Time Out!

Some days Mommies need a time out too! Why you say? Just take a peek at what your Mommy does all day. Saving, scraping, scrubbing, changing, wiping, buying, stocking, bathing, rocking, sweeping, cooking, singing, watching, washing, wringing, knitting, spanking, nursing, loving, feeding, reading, writing, slaving, working, playing, shopping, baking, banking, wrapping, dressing, mowing, planting, planing, strolling, outings, checking, replying, screaming, chasing, beckoning, correcting, solving, whipping, soothing, dusting, mopping, pampering, praising, cheering, cleaning, keeping, sorting, kneading, teaching, listening, coaching, carrying, cuddling, protecting, scolding, preaching, disciplining, spoiling, training, dressing, helping, guiding, gluing, […]
September 12, 2009

Diapie Cover

mmmmmm.  Ice cream cone hiney. *giggle* I think this is so cutsie.  Isn’t it? I would love for a nice Daddy to put me in this before tucking me in for ni ni’s.  I think I would look adorable in it.  Don’t you? *giggle*  I love mi diapies.  I haves so manys.  I just need a call from you to help me feel like the precious girl that I am.  Me lovies yous bunches! Cali 1-888-430-2010
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