July 1, 2009

Water Play

It’s such a gorgeous day outside! I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in. We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us. I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on a baby’s tushie! Simply adorable! Won’t you call me so we can play?   Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
June 18, 2009

Rainy afternoon

It sure has been storming a lot in my neck of the woods. Time for some indoor fun and games! I love to color and finger paint with my little ones. Or maybe we’ll make some cookies together. We can play Peek-a-Boo, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and my favorite, This Little Piggy! Now doesn’t that sound like a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
June 17, 2009

Why can’t you behave!

Why can’t you behave! Why must you always get into trouble! You wake up in the morning with your diaper soaking wet. You color on the walls. You take all the toilet paper off the roll and string it all over the house! Why must you be so bad? CousinJenna is going to teach you a lesson! Widdle bitty babby is going to stay in that wet diaper, wash the walls and re-roll the toilet paper. Then the bad baby is going to stand in the corner showing everyone his soaking wet diaper while my friends and I sit around and watch a movie and ignore the sissy baby! If you dare cry, I’ll give you a harsh spanking and you’ll really cry then! CousinJenna 1-888-430-2010
May 28, 2009

Let's Snuggle!

Well now it’s been far too long since you have sit on my lap and snuggled up with me. Mommy Lauren has all kinds of new stories to tell you and my what fun we will have coming up with new ones too! I know you wanna so go ahead come on up here beside me sugar pie let’s snuggle under a nice soft blanket for two. Muah darlings.. Lauren
May 6, 2009

Ruffles and Lace

Awww, just look at the pretty panties I got! All Frilly with ruffles and lace. Wouldn’t you like to try them on? They will look so sweet on you, and go perfectly with that pretty baby-doll dress. Why don’t you twirl around for mommy and show me that cute lil’ tushie darned with those cute rosebuds! Such a pretty sissy!   Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
April 30, 2009

Diaper Dreams

Mommy Lauren was talking to one of her most special abies on the phone and he told me about a very happy dream that he had. My abie had a special dream that Mommy Lauren brought home a most wonderful surprise a beautiful basket full of assorted diapers. Disposable and cloth of every single color and style. As my abie looked through the basket with much delight he also found plastic panties in all colors some with ruffles some plain and matching bonnets and bibs. We spent the entire afternoon trying on all the new and wonderful abie things and at the end of the day Mommy Lauren nursed her abie to sleep so he could have more special diaper dreams. Call Mommy Lauren now for your special surprise .. oh the fun we will have!
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