January 27, 2014

dommy dungeon

This is the dommy dungeon a place where question’s will not be tolerated.You are thickly diapered as you enter seeing the delight’s of a strict caring mommy you go right for the nipple nursery . Suckling on the mammoth boob’s you coo and ahh with joy, I sneak up behind you ripping that thick diaper off mercilessly I spank you and inform you did not as k permission to start suckling. Naughty Naughty I scold you as you try to cover you bare red ass with you hand that will not keep me from […]
December 31, 2012

diaperdomination with nightmare mommy

diaper domination starts of slowly at first. The big guy clothing gets small and you start to shrink becoming more and more helpless, Then the real scary nightmare strict mommy comes out. Forcing you to fill your diaper in front of all her pretty, young friends. Naughty bad things might happen if you do not follow all my rules. You know it gets real hard to control your little peepee when you are in that nice squishy diaper. It is so much fun to put your had down there is’nt […]
October 21, 2012

corporal punishment

I have such fun when I am handing out corporal punishment for naughty adult abie’s. Caught one trying to leave before he asked Mistress Mommy permission,he was very sorry for that. I grabbed him by his ear & brought him back into my playroom to engage in our playtime bound his hands in front of him with zip-ties I slipped a ball gag into his whimpering little mouth to muffle his cries. Positioned him over my lap to ready his ass for my black leather teddy bear shaped paddle,with some […]
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