February 5, 2013


I know how much you love your tutu’s especially the pink one the ballet lessons are doing a wonder of good for you.Even though you think i don’t want to go whining and crying just like the sissy you are.Can’t help it if they laugh and poke fun at you that is what happens to sissies at times especially when they don’t listen to what they have been told.Sissy in a tutu look at you sissy in a tutu what a sight you are laughing so hard more tears coming […]
February 14, 2011

diapered men

This Valentines Day I wanted to wish a Happy one to all of the diapered men who read this abdl blog. Diapers are just one of the things I like to see men wearing (along with panties,jeans,leather,eye liner, ruffles..) . I want to wish the happiest of Valentines Days to you diapered guys though. If you’re a diapered guy in eye liner or ruffles well then that’s just a big plus for me. Thank you for being you and I hope today is wonderful. Mommy Scarlet
January 29, 2011

Diaper Mask

I love seeing little ones with their bottoms all diapered cozy and snug, but what does mommy do to make you laugh? Does she make you wear the Diaper Mask? Hehe. The Diaper Mask, I made you do the Mask, the Diaper Mask, it was a Smash, a Messy Mask, you did the Mask, it was a Funny Task, you did the Mask, the Diaper Mask! Hehehehe! Sara 1 888 430 2010 Now if someone could please send in a picture to go along with my blog I would be […]
August 8, 2010

Where did the year go…..

I tell ya, I just cannot believe that 2010 is half way over, right around the corner awaits Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas we will be in a 2011 before we know it! I think being in the business I am in doesn’t help with time flying by, when you like what you do the time just flies and that it did! Fall is fast approaching and we will all be once again busy with the holiday hustle and bustle, visiting with friends and family, even having to deal with […]
June 26, 2008

The special lollipop

     My abie has been an all right boy, a little trouble this weekend that just passed but over all good. So I took him to get a new stuffed animal and some candy. Candy is extremely limited in mommy’s house. So once we got home he wanted to share his lollipop with mommy. I thought how sweet, and then I found a way to tease my poor abie in his chastity device. Long slow licks while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened and I could tell he was […]
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