January 23, 2011

Diapered by the Dozen!

I am thinking of a new contest to hold. Anyone have any yummy ideas? My latest one was held for the smallest pee pee and the Winner was announced on my blog site… Baby Luke with 2 Inches! So now I am thinking of one that would involve how many diapers you could possibly get on. How does everyone like the sound of it? Anyone who knows me knows how much I like thick diapers and that I have been known to put many diapers on my little ones. For […]
July 8, 2010

Being a good Diaper Slave!

One of my diaper lovers tries so hard to convince me that he is a big boy and no longer needs his diaper. His persistence has not paid off and has only leaded him to his fate as my diaper slave. He knows now never to annoy me with his claims of being a big boy, instead locked in his diaper he is forced to wear them everywhere he goes. He proves to me that he is obeying me by regularly videoing his adventures, some of which he proves his […]
April 2, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance!

Turn up the radio and get moving! There are lots of places you can listen to music online these days, and there’s no excuse now not to get up and DANCE! Throw on a diaper, crank up the music, and just go for it! You won’t be sorry and your body will feel so much better after you give it a break from sitting in front of the computer! Take care of yourself and let yourself be free by dancing your cares away. Any excuse to diaper up, pee that […]
March 25, 2009

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! I just love spring flowers don’t you? Daffodils, tulips, peonies, and all the trees in bloom! Who can resist sitting under a sweet cherry tree having a picnic in our diapers? Wouldn’t that be so wonderful? Having a nice light lunch of fresh fruit, raw veggies and dip and perhaps a sandwich? We could feed each other and then afterwards we could change each other, all while outside in the fresh spring air. Oh a picnic with you this Spring would be so much fun! *kisses* CousinJenna 1 […]
March 4, 2009

Becoming such a big boy!

You never pee on me anymore! You’re growing up, becoming such a big boy, that when I change your diaper you no longer pee on me. Your little winkie has gotten used to my touch and those warm wipes that I have certainly don’t hurt any either. Next thing you know you’ll be wanting to use the potty and then will my little one be? No growing up allowed! I’m going to keep you in those diapers forever. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 3, 2008

Pretty Red White and Blue Diapers

    I went a little nuts with 4th of July stickers to stick to my abies diaper. I just want him to look his best you know, and celebrate the holiday in diapered style. It will have to be at nighttime since we will be around family during the day. Are any of you abies dressing up, even if it’s under your clothes?     Mommy Scarlet
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