February 12, 2011

Phonesex Valentine

Free Photo Editor So when you are done doing all the good boy obligations, with Mommy and Wifey. It is time to have yourself a little fun! Break free for a little you time! Let me give you a Valentine Cock Pleasing Time! Ready for some cock throbbing sexplay? Sara 1 888 430 2010
November 6, 2010

Don't knock it to ya try it!

And if ya havent tried it – What are you waiting for! Recently, in a recent article in Playboy, was a list of things men Must Try and listed was PhoneSex! Yup, you heard it right. It makes sense actually, I mean really, I cannot think of any reason why you wouldnt want to try it. Even if I wasnt a phone girl, I admit, it is something I would want to atleast try. Kinda like food ya know, ya got be open to try everything atleast once. So cum […]
November 6, 2008

For all my Diaper Lovers!!

I found this cool picture and wanted to share it with all my wonderful DLs. Just like you we love the feel, smell, and comfort of a diaper. There are things a diaper can only do for you. The nice warm sensation you get when you first wet your diaper and every time after that. This is the feeling you can only get when wearing a diaper. You start to want to wear more and more and you do. YES we love diapers. “giggle” Who will I get to change […]
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