September 17, 2009

Mission Time

Attention all my AB/DL’s I have a mission for you this coming week Well do you want to know…what I want you to do…well I hope you can accomplish it for my sake. I want you to put that diaper on and go out into public….underneath your clothes of course silly, hehehe and go out to the local grocery store or maybe to a local restaurant. I want you to wander if they can hear the crinkle of my diaper as I walk past or maybe they smell that powder […]
April 5, 2009


Well good morning my sweet little boy, how was your nap? Mommy needs her little boy. Mommy has no one to please her. Cum crawl into Mommy’s bed. Here sweetie, take your hand and rub Mommy’s full breast, oh my silk, pink pjs are so soft aren’t they? Can you feel Mommy’s nipples getting hard as you rub Mommy?. Oh, my sweet little angel, that feels so nice Mommy is become very turned on by your little hand on Mommy’s breast. Oh, what is that I see happening in baby’s […]
March 12, 2009


Aren’t you glad you are all grown up now? Now YOU get to choose when to play. *giggles* And if you want a whole room filled with playpen balls, you can do just that! Wouldn’t it be great just to get into a diaper and then jump into all those balls? Think of how fun that would be! We could play hide and go seek, bury each other under the balls, put the balls down our diapers, throw them at each other, stuff balls down our onesies and laugh and […]
January 28, 2009

New plastic panties!

I would love to have a pair of these plastic panties! A good friend of mine shared these with me, and I just cannot get over how cute they are! Love the silver and black with the teddy bears, they are just too adorable! I must remember when I speak to my dl again to ask where he found them. Not to mention, I want to know if he has a pair of his own he will show me. *giggles* CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
December 10, 2008

Froggy for me!

Everyone should get one of these! Wouldn’t this diaper bag look so cute at the beach! Or anywhere really. The froggie is just TOO CUTE! Isn’t this just such an adorable diaper bag. I just love it. I want to stuff it full and take it with me anywhere. Heheheh. I can see me now headed out with one of these on my shoulder. Everyone would take notice and ask what’s in it! And you know me, any chance to talk about diapers I’m all up for it! CousinJenna 1 […]
August 28, 2008

Spankings good and bad

Yes there is such a thing as a good spanking. Sensual spanking can be a lot of fun. I have been on the giving and receiving end of both types. Some were a long time ago. I just really enjoy spanking and paddles, hairbrush spankings and well all of it really. When I get on the phone with someone who loves it as much as I do I feel very lucky. So many abies have spent time with me getting spankings since I started as a phone mommy, you are […]
August 28, 2008

Riddles and Jokes

You walk into a barber shop, there are two barbers. One of the barbers has messy hair and the other has very well cut hair, who do you chose? You have 2 coins that equal 30cents. One of the coins is not a nickel…what are the coins? (yes they’re american money) A guy walks into a bar and says “Ouch”. There are these two guys walking down the street, one with a lab and the other with a chihuahua. The first guy says to the other guy “lets go grab […]
June 26, 2008

The special lollipop

     My abie has been an all right boy, a little trouble this weekend that just passed but over all good. So I took him to get a new stuffed animal and some candy. Candy is extremely limited in mommy’s house. So once we got home he wanted to share his lollipop with mommy. I thought how sweet, and then I found a way to tease my poor abie in his chastity device. Long slow licks while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened and I could tell he was […]
May 22, 2008

Panty Thieves

  My abie is always stealing mommies panties. I guess I should expect it from the naughty sissy. The thing is the dirty girly has her own panties. You just never know what an adult baby might have up their sleeve. One time I just kept letting them add up in her ‘hiding’ place until I ran out. Then I turned it into a big production and made her take me shopping for new ones. Come to think of ti that was a good way to get new panties.  […]
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