February 20, 2011

Diaper Domination!

I babysit for BabyJacob every Saturday night. He is a real pill, as my mother would say. Just always into trouble of some sort. But I finally put my foot down. His Mommy just let him run ramped too long so I had no choice but to reintroduce diapers to him & force him into regression. So last night was his first forced treatment. It was intense to say the least. He is a handful, but I must say he took real well to submitting I had him diapered in […]
June 20, 2010


Look, look, LOOK! This lovely piece of sweet goodness is called a Banoffee Pie! MUST….MAKE…..PIE! This thing almost makes me weep with pure want. It’s a mixture of Dulce de Leche and Banana Cream. Good GOD! I know what I am making tomorrow, and you know what? I think you should make it too, so we can all put on 20 lbs. together, as a team, we will be fat, happy and full! Here is the recipe for you: Crust * 1 cup(s) graham cracker cookie crumbles * 1/2 cup(s) […]
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