June 18, 2017

Abduction Fantasy!

You was walking down the street when all of the sudden you look around and you see this me walking up to you, once up to you i start talking to you and then have you smell my perfume which happens to be some chloroform and you immediately go unconscious two other girl and I pick up your limp body and place you in our car and drive you to the our dungeon When we get you inside we strap your hands and feet down and slide on an adult […]
June 17, 2017

Cuckold Mommy Phone Sex

Calling all cuckold phone sex lovers. It’s the first of the month again. That means that rent will soon be due so I hope you plan on paying it because a hot fem dom like me shouldn’t ever have to lift a finger for anything. Besides I treated myself to some new heels so once again you’re going to have to do and suck every cock needed until we’ve finally payed it off. That mouth will be working in over drive while your little hole gets plowed. I just got […]
April 10, 2017

Sissy Bed Wetter Phone Sex

So you like to wet the bed do ya? Well do you remember what I said that would happen if you was to wet the bed again? Thats right I am going to force you to wear this adult diaper every time you lay down for a nap or go to bed! I have already added plastic covers to your mattress but that’s not an excuse to wet the bed! And for now since it’s only at night time when you do, So I am only going to diaper you […]
November 14, 2016

Sissy Phone Sex

Turn off the porn clips. That’s good. Now I want you to pull up a picture of me and stand up in front of your computer. I think that is even better. Can you let me watch you jerk that cock to my instructions? If not I guess we’re on the honor system. How big is your cock. Touch it–tell me how it feels to be touching that cock for such a sweet, sissy girl. Tell me have you always liked exposing yourself to the young and tender? I enjoy […]
July 2, 2016

Diaper Humiliation !

Did you think that I didn’t see you with your hands in your Bambinos Diaper? Silly Sissy fag! Mommy sees everything. Since you wanna masturbate like a big boy, momma’s going to show you what it’s like to be one! We are going to have some fun with you !! First we are going to call daddy in here and have you play with Daddy! Would you like that Sissy fag ? I bet you would!! Oh look you getting a nice size hard on. Are you thinking of all […]
June 30, 2016

Humiliating Sissy

Oh, you think I didn’t see you wearing that ruffly pink dress you little sissy boy. You thought I was out with my friends but no, I can’t believe my boyfriend wears dresses! And panties! I can’t wait to tell everyone. Oh…you don’t want me to tell everyone do you? Well then you’ll have to do something so I don’t tell. You’ll have to do anything I want or everyone’s going to know how much you love sissification and how much of a slut you are. Wearing hot pink lace […]
April 24, 2016

Sissy Chastity Phone Sex

This abdl mommy has spent quite a lot of time around you and I am well aware of exactly when you are looking at me with a naughty and lustful expression on your little face. Your cheeks get red and your eyes get heavy-lidded from your spot staring at my curvy body. Tsk tsk, little one… A sissy baby like you could never please mommy the way that she needs to be pleased. Knowing that, you should not look so surprised when mommy pulls out some of her favorite ways […]
April 21, 2016

Trouble Pt 3

I made her wonder for a little while just lightly tapping the hairbrush on her little baby bottom from time to time.  Once I knew she wasn’t sure when the spanking would begin, I landed the first smack right in the middle of her two precious cheeks and watched her bottom quiver.  Of course she let out a cry, but I was determined this little girl was going to learn her lesson.  I started scolding her while I spanked in rhythm, “don’t you ever go outside without mommy or daddy […]
April 10, 2016

Come to Mommy You Filthy Sissy Slut

          Come here you Sissy slut ! Get down on your hands and knees now! When you’re in here you will address me as Mistress Janey understand me?? Did  you just pee your pants you baby? What will I do about this? I know I am going to take you over my knee and give 30 swats while hearing you say I am a dirty little sissy fag! Over and over! And when I am done we are going to go to the mall and I […]
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