January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
December 6, 2009

You Saw Mommy What?

Yes, I know some of the babies were scared to death awakening to such a sight, others became very jealous and had to be given a spanking, NyQuil and sent back to bed, while the sissy boys were dressed up as a little toy doll and made to give Santa a blow job in exchange for their Christmas toys. All awhile Daddy snored up a storm drunk from the laced eggnog Mommy gave him earlier that evening. Want your toys this year youngins? Then I suggest babies stay in their […]
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