August 7, 2011

bad ab scolded in public

I’m the type of domme Mommy who will give you fair warning before punishing you or scolding you. Sometimes though the things you do call for Mommy to skip the warning and paddle your bottom pronto. One way to guarantee a public scolding or spanking without a warning is to thoroughly embarrass me in public. I figure this goes both ways. Throw a horrendous fit out in public to embarrass me and I’ll scold you and spank you no matter who happens to be around. Before you act up when […]
January 15, 2011

Diaper Humiliation!

So you have made a big poopy in your diaper and need a diaper change? No time like the present, Mommies girlfriends are over and would love to help tehehe, no time to waste we must change you ASAP. Not wanting to? Are you being obstinent? Bad Diaperboy! Desperate times calls for desperate measures! I guess this will be a forced diaper change! Now, dont be so shy little ABDL, I promise their giggling with you not at you *laughs hysterically* Awww, are you feeling a little flushed? I know, […]
December 29, 2010

My Wish for You!

“Another fresh new year is here . . . Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! This bright new year is given me To live each day with zest . . . To daily grow and try to be My highest and my best! I have the opportunity Once more to right some wrongs, To pray for peace, to plant a tree, And sing more joyful songs!” William Arthur Ward (American dedicated scholar, author, editor, pastor and teacher) Happy New Year! […]
November 26, 2010

Hey Little Willy!

Do you wonder if you are too small? These questions below might help you in knowing for sure. Was your mother unsure you were a boy all those years growing up? Did the daycare ladies all laugh as they changed your diaper? Did all the boys in the locker room replace your gym shorts with skirts? Have girls gone running away screaming once they saw your little dick? Does your girlfriend perfer her vibrator? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I am afraid young man, […]
September 21, 2010

Dirty Little Boy!

Mommy will have none of those magazines in this house young man! That will rot your mind, looking at those nasty sluts and whores. Little boys like you need to be so careful of these harlots trying to brainwash my boy into sinful deeds having you lust after them! No, I simply won’t! You are so pure, my sweet young boy, you will always be a Mamma’s boy! There is only one woman that will ever be good enough for my precious baby boy, only one woman that will ever […]
September 19, 2010

Diaper Domination

Diaper Domination is one of the tactics I employ on a regular basis. Nothing knocks a man down a few notches then when he is made to crawl after You while wearing a nice, big, bulky, noisy diaper! The look on their face, the embarrassment, the way they blush, especially when You make them look You in the eye as they kneel before You, their diaper blatantly protruding from between those spread thighs. The wicked little grin that spreads across My soft, pretty lips as I tap it with the […]
July 8, 2010

Being a good Diaper Slave!

One of my diaper lovers tries so hard to convince me that he is a big boy and no longer needs his diaper. His persistence has not paid off and has only leaded him to his fate as my diaper slave. He knows now never to annoy me with his claims of being a big boy, instead locked in his diaper he is forced to wear them everywhere he goes. He proves to me that he is obeying me by regularly videoing his adventures, some of which he proves his […]
May 16, 2010

A New Twist

Mother May I, you ask all day, Mother May I, none stop you say, Mother May I, do this and that, Mother May I, play with the cat, Mother May I, rings in my ear, Mother May I, as morning nears, Mother May I, I hear in my head, Mother May I, I’ve come to dread, Mother May I, I hear in my sleep, Mother May I, just repeats an repeats, Mother May I, again you say, Mother May I, each and everyday, Mother May I, you loudly scream, Mother […]
May 2, 2010

Sissy Punishment

Sometimes I am not so nice. My sweet disposition and loving nature goes right out the window. It is replaced by something a lot more stern and demanding. Everyone makes mistakes, and will be forgiven for that mistake. That is the way it is supposed to be. However, keep repeating the same one over and over again, and do not learn by that mistake, then appropriate action can and will be taken. I am not above taking someone over my knee or making that person lean over a sofa or […]
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