December 22, 2012

Disobeying Mommy

You were very naughty at Christmas party last week!  I saw you trying to sneak a sip from Mommy’s cocktail – even after I told you that it was a no-no.  Didn’t I tell you that it was a grown up drink? That it was not for adult babies like you?  But you wanted to be like all the Mommies and Daddies and be a big boy, didn’t you!  Well, you want something to drink do you? Fine, mommy will feed you something special in your sippy cup.  Something that […]
November 18, 2011

ABDL Training

My new little ABDL boy was crawling around on the floor in his diaper and I noticed that apparently he forgot the rules that he wasn’t allowed to make squirties without permission. He was grinding his peepee against his diaper against the floor. Little jackoff boy was humping his diaper on the floor. How cute.   I guess putting all that Vaseline all over his pathetic little peepee when I changed his diaper last was a mistake.   “Ok, well if you want to break the rules then here, mommy […]
October 20, 2011


You get a call from me at work – I’m disturbingly cold as I inform you that I know what you have done…and there will be consequences…severe consequences for your actions, and then I simply hang up.  You are left in a state of panic as you search your brain for a clue as to what I have discovered, taking an inventory of what wrongs you have perpetrated (it could be one of many you surmise).  When you arrive home, you call out for me, but no voice answers back.  […]
October 19, 2011

Whats a Sissy to do?

Lilly was a sweet little sissy, that didnt know how to act. She tried to watch some girly shows and then she read some girly books, but still she was unsure. She primped her hair and painted her nails, her cheeks the perfect hue, but still she felt a little lost and left without a clue. She came across a charm school and much to her surprise, became right at home with her class and before too long was named a sissy bride! Mizz Rebecca for your personalized Sissy Training! […]
October 6, 2011


  Do you think about what it would be like to be disciplined by a dominant lady who happened to be your teacher? There are quite a few erotic stories with scenarios like that. I know because I enjoy reading them. When I was in school hardly anyone got paddled after we left grade school. Maybe there were some of you who deserved a spanking back then but didn’t get it because your school didn’t use that as punishment or because you never got caught. Now you have a chance […]
September 1, 2011

Diaper Punishment

So you have to use the potty, Do you? I think you ought to just hold it! In fact I am such a mean Domme Mommy that I will make you hold it till you have an accident! Once you soil your pants and make a complete mess I will order you back into diapers! You will have to wear them as punishment for wetting and pooping your pants! Naughty Boy, why you are just a Big Baby is all you are! A really messy bad boy that needs to […]
August 7, 2011

sissy boy hypnotized to suck men for Mommy

You’re getting used to being dressed as an overly girly girl. What you haven’t quite adapted to yet are these urges you seem to be getting. I have my male friends over and you feel a tingling in your panties as you wonder what they would look like standing over you with their cocks in your face. Each night as you drift off to sleep Mommy has been playing her special CD to help you understand and accept what she wants from you. What I want is to make you […]
June 26, 2011

Adult Bed Wetter

I have had enough Jeremy; my boyfriend wet the bed again this morning. He makes up these lame excuses that he spilt his water or didn’t dry off well after his shower. OMG these excuses are getting old. I am not going to pretend any longer aiding him in this shard! Nope, not a day longer. “Oh, Jeremy hun, I need you to shop with me today, I want you to help me pick out your Birthday gift.” I knew this was the only way to get him to come […]
June 11, 2011

Expressionism not just for Art any more!

Expressionism not just for Art any more but for the 21 century FeMale! Wikipedia tells us that “The basic characteristics of Expressionism are Dionysian: bold colours, distorted forms-in-dissolution, two-dimensional, without perspective” The latter somewhat similar to the struggles many men who long to engage in feminization are forced to face. Seems such a shame and most unfair that only people involved in the performing arts in our culture are granted permission of expressionism; to cross boundaries the rest of us must adhere to. So I say to you free yourself […]
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