January 3, 2014

Basement Sissy Baby

My best friend came over the other day upset and a bit lost – she wasn’t sure what to do with what she had discovered.  You see, she had told me that she recently caught her husband being naughty in the basement and wearing girly clothes – I mean frilly little girly clothes, complete with ruffles and lace, right down to little white ankle socks and Mary Janes.   I big smile came over my face; I told her I knew just what to do with her basement sissy.  If […]
November 8, 2013

Petticoat Punishment: A Special type of Discipline

I try to be an understanding AB Mommy.  I try to be patient and sweet.  I really am a loving and tender ABDL Mommy to those Adult Babies that are well behaved and do as mommy tells them.  I don’t ask for much, really: don’t back talk, be kind and thoughtful to others, and the most important of all – do as you are told.    Now from time to time I come across a little one who tests my boundaries and beyond.  They defy me at every turn, are […]
August 16, 2013

Foot Baby

You’re always such a good boy when I tell you to sit at my feet, be it while I’m standing in the kitchen, or sitting in the living room. A big smile always comes across your face when I tell you curl up at my feet as I prop myself against my headboard of my bed, settling in for the night. I feel your hands gently wrapped around my calves, or resting on my feet.  I feel when you lean against my legs, your cheek caressing my soft, supple feet.  […]
July 18, 2013

Let Mommy Comfort You

There is nothing like the warmth of mommy’s touch first thing in the morning; you can feel it on your back. You turn over and see mommy’s bright eyed smiling face and she begins giving you lots of sweet gentle kisses all over your face. You love being woken up by Mommy. She’s waking you because your diaper needs changing.  She begins to undo your diaper and she makes a comment about it being all soggy and wet. You feel the cool soft wiping with the baby wipe that mommy […]
June 20, 2013

Panty Boi Phone Sex

Well, well. What have we here? A little panty boy who’s been playing around in Mommy’s panty drawer again?  I thought I’d already told you several times to stay out of here. You know you’re not supposed to be putting on Mommy’s panties like this. Ooooh noooo – don’t you sit there and try and tell me you’re sorry. Clearly, you aren’t very sorry, or else you would not have done what I specifically told you not to do. You’re only sorry that you’ve gotten yourself caught again.  Do you […]
May 24, 2013

Sensual AB/DL Mommy Phone Play

One of my favorite things to do in an ab/dl mommy phone sex roleplay is take a bath with my adult baby. I love getting all sudsy and making bubbles in the bubble bath, then bathing my sweet Abie.  We get to play with all sorts of bath time toys – from rubber duckies to wind up toys that swim in the water to soap crayons, and even some special waterproof battery operated toys that make the water bubble up.   Once we get out of the tub I put baby lotion and […]
May 2, 2013

Strict, NOT Mean AB Mommy

Sometimes I think the two terms, strict and mean, get confused.  To me, strict is an important thing for little ones – it comes from a place of love, not malice.  It teaches little ones and ABies what is acceptable behavior and what is not; what is safe and what can harm them.  Being a strict AB Mommy says I care and love you enough to want the very best for you – that I care enough to want to make sure that you know how to make the right […]
April 18, 2011

Aby games

Yes I am definitely a “dommy mommy” making sure I keep you Abies in line, and that you know your place. But, I am also a nurturing, and fun loving mommy that loves to have fun with her little abies. I love to play games, like peek-a-boo, and hide and seek whcih I know you really love! What’s fun is that since the weather is getting nicer, now you and mommy can pack up a lunch and go out to the park to play some fun games. I know how […]
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