November 16, 2013

Is Your Pamper Wet?

Is your pamper wet? Want mommy to change it for you? I just love my adult babies, Imagine having me change your wet pamper, then breast feeding you while stroking your ‘widdle stiffie’ in your crinkly, sweet smelling pamper. But beware – if you’re really bad, Mommy will have to slide your pamper to the side and fill your naughty bum with her strap on while she makes you hump the pillow she placed underneath you. While your punishment is being administered, you will be expected to cream your pamper, […]
October 17, 2013

Humiliated Sissy

I think punishment uniforms for sissy babies are a great idea. What would you think about Mommy taking you and having you fitted for something like this? Then just think, all of the other mommies and sitters seeing you in your PVC maid’s punishmet uniform? That way whenever you had it on it would be clear that you had been in trouble. Your cheeks would be so red as you served us in this.     Mommy Scarlet 1.888.430.2010
October 11, 2013

Experienced Mommy Phone Sex

Nobody can make you feel more safe and relaxed than an experienced Mommy can. No judgments, no rules, no limits — just getting real and enjoying your body and your fantasies. That is what mommy phone sex and adult baby phone sex is all about – especially with an experienced mommy. It’s no wonder that so many people with high stress jobs find it such a wonderful way to unwind.   The contrast with the cold harsh world is what makes AB/DL so wonderfully relaxing. So whether it is diaper play, diaper […]
September 20, 2013

A Day with my Sissy Baby

A couple of days ago one of my sissy baby girls asked me to take her shopping for a party dress. Much to her delight I was more than happy to do so. So I called my friend that owns a cute little boutique downtown – you know, the kind with all sorts of party dresses and formal wear. I arranged a personal meeting for her to meet my sissy girl and oh my what fun we had! I think we must have spent close to four hours just trying […]
August 22, 2013

Shout Out to All Our Diaper Lovers

As a Mommy, I take care and talk to, and in turn talk about so many adult babies and sissies, that sometimes mommy forgets about those men who are strictly diaper lovers.  Now I do talk to plenty who don’t want to be babied; those whose main interests in diapers are more sexually charged and erotic in nature, but I don’t think I give homage to them enough. I just wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten about all of you, and neither have the other ladies. Some of you […]
July 26, 2013

Reasons to Spank…Let Me Count the Ways

I can think of a lot of reasons to spank a naughty boy.  Tommy, however, has to be my naughtiest little one under my charge by far!  He constantly wets his pants even though he is way too old to do so. I have even resorted to putting him in a diaper, instructing him that he’s not to wet his diaper. I have told him repeatedly,  he mustn’t wet himself at his age, but he doesn’t care…so I have had to start spanking him – of course his mother said it […]
June 26, 2013

Sissy Gets a Helping Hand

I simply love it when sissies come to me, all shy like, asking for my help.  You see, they really want to make Daddy happy, and they know that Mommy knows all those little tricks that will make their Daddy happy and content.  First I help them find the perfect little sissy outfit: from that frilly sissy dress and matching rhumba panties with just the right petticoat, to deciding between anklet socks and tights with ruffles on their little tushie.   After we pick out the perfect little sissy outfit, […]
May 31, 2013

Out of Control ABie

I had a very naughty abie to tend to today. Oh my goodness. He was left with a sitter and decided to be as mischievous as possible. I told him that IF he could be good for he would get a story at the end of the night. Miss Samantha even brought over his favorite book from her house. Did he behave? No. Then after a fit, and one problem after another he had the nerve to demand a story – silly, silly belligerent ABie. He has never treated her […]
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