November 29, 2020

Naughty Sissy Baby Humiliation

Sissy Baby Tammie shook and cried while Mommy and her friends laughed and teased her, talking about what a stinky baby she was.  It wasn’t her fault! She had been just a little cranky earlier (she may have talked back to Mommy, but it wasn’t that bad), and Mommy started being so mean! She wasn’t even told before why she was pulled down onto Mommy’s lap, never even saw the thermometer, but she sure felt it when Mommy slipped in it her bottom while she was laying over Mommy’s lap […]
November 15, 2011

I Have Just What You Need

  Awww, my little man keeps squirming and holding his hand down below his belly, like he’s so very uncomfortable down there.  I know what you need – a nice, warm enema to get things moving the way they should and make everything right as rain again!  Now now, stop your fussing, mommy knows what’s best for you.  You’ll feel so much better when that warm water starts flowing deep inside you! And don’t you be worried or embarrassed about that little “swelling” you get between your legs every time […]
October 6, 2011

Assume the Position

Now this is how I like to see my little ones – bare assed, red and raw from a severe session of spankings, and bent over the toilet receiving an enema.  It’s always good to remind my little guys who is exactly in charge and what the consequences are for misbehaving and/or not following instructions.  Heck, they can get this treatment if I’m just in the mood, LOL!  Hmmmmm, I feel the urge coming on now – what unsuspecting victim, I mean little one, shall I satisfy my urges on […]
September 28, 2011

Diaper Punishment

I warned you what was going to happen if you did it again, didn’t I? That the price for your insolence was going to be high. Now look at your self – your diapered ass exposed as your sitting in a crib, restraints keeping your naughty self still while I stuff the enema nozzle deep up that hole of yours. You had better hold you water you weak, pathetic excuse of a man – and I use that term very loosely. Once you have taken all your water, then I’m […]
August 5, 2011

Bath Time Abies

Some little water babies like the bath. They splash around and make a mess but they don’t mind when it’s time to wash up. Nanny lathers the soap in her hands and then lathers up her slippery water tot. There are so many precious little parts, so many little cracks and crevices to get into and keep smooth and soft. Some little ones are not as easy to keep clean. Sometimes Nanny has to wonder how one little person can bring home so much sand from the beach, or gravel […]
May 27, 2011

Phone Nanny Ella when Mommy’s Had Enough

Nanny Ella is here to discipline and train naughty little ones that just give their Mommy a hard time. If you are making trouble I will set you straight no matter what it takes. Forced diapering and infantilism, enemas, spankings, sissification–I will go to any extreme to break you and YOU WILL BE GOOD for Nanny. In the end it is worth the effort to behave because Nanny Ella takes special care of sweet little ones and even though you have to be good, I can get as naughty as […]
January 24, 2010

Benefits of enemas

Most of my babies already know my favorite type of enema is Milk and Honey, the benefits of milk and honey are how it soothes the lining of your colon, as well as cleaning the colon. To me it is a very relaxing type enema. My second favorite would be a coffee enema for the detoxification it provides to the liver; the coffee causes the liver to increase bile and then excretes it. Therefore, if you have never attempted to try an enema perhaps you should reconsider it has great […]
February 5, 2009

Your Secret

Wouldn't it be great to have one and be put into diapers, making you stay in them until you made a huge poopy mess?
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