May 19, 2011

First Time

  I remember the first time you took a step; the first time you skinned your knee; the first time you went to school. Who else would be there for all your firsts but your mommy? And now you are ready for another first time – one that will show you what to do with that growing penis of yours. There’s no reason to get bashful with me! I can see your newly formed boner underneath those covers of yours. I’m going to just crawl in next to you, and […]
May 5, 2011

Queen for the Day

    I just wanted to remind all you little ones out there that next Sunday is Mother’s Day and not to forget that special lady in your life. That wonderful woman who kissed your boo-boo’s all better…who chased away the monsters from under your bed…who prepared your meals and washed your clothes and cleaned your room day in and day out. Who has always put your happiness and needs and wants before hers. Yes, that unsung hero in your life – Mom! So give her a hug and a […]
April 29, 2011

Forced Babying For My Boyfriend

Men are made, not born. Not all men become men equally. Not all men act like men. Here’s the story: My boyfriend was annoying me. He wasn’t taking me out, he wasn’t pulling his weight. I came home from a job taking care of a very good, passive little one. I knew my bf had the day off, so I had left a little list for him of things that needed doing around the house. I got home and nothing was done. He was playing video games and the house […]
April 21, 2011

Egg Hunt

  Awww, look! The bunnies have been on an Easter egg hunt, and look at all the eggs they had gathered! But wait! It seems the white one is the girl bunny, and the gray one is the boy bunny…and it seems the girl bunny has been ordering the boy bunny to go and gather the eggs for her…that she knows what the boy bunny has been doing in her panty drawer, and is threatening to tell all the other little bunnies what a naughty little panty bunny he has […]
April 21, 2011

Have a Happy Easter!

Just wanted to wish all you Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers a Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny brings you lots of candy and toys in your Easter basket, and maybe something cute and furry as well!  Wouldn’t a couple of little bunnies be wonderful? Gotta have a pair, so they can keep each other company though.     Have a great Easter everyone!! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 15, 2011

Nanny’s Secret Tricks

I took care of a darling adult baby today. I was keeping an eye on the little guy while his Mommy was off on a date. He was so cute and sweet and we had a lot of fun until it started to get late and it was time for beddy-bye. ~ He didn’t seem to understand why his Mommy wasn’t home yet. “What’s Mommy doing with that man?” he kept asking? I comforted him, telling him they would be back before long but he was a curious one. I […]
April 9, 2011

Thunderstorm Delight!

~ That was some storm we had last night! All that thunder and lightning – it seemed to go on forever. You were so scared, but Mommy Gina new just what to do. I came into your room, and crawled under the covers with you. You snuggled up close to me, as I held you tight. But something surprising happened. At first you were embarrassed about how your little man peepee became all swollen and stiff, but I assured you that it was perfectly normal, and told you that I […]
April 2, 2011

Be Good For Nanny, Or Else!

Maybe it’s because I have a reputation for being strict that I always get stuck with the bad, bratty babies. I had one little guy today who just would not behave. — He was fussing about and wouldn’t stop whining until I gave him a bottle and then he just wanted another one. Well, I gave him another on the condition that he would tell Nanny as soon as he felt ready to go peepee. His Mommy is working on potty training the tot and there won’t be any setbacks […]
March 26, 2011

Baby Julie

I always have fun on my calls with my baby Julie. Like the other day, my Julie was invited to a birthday pool party. Now normally she would have been excited to go, but when she found out that she was going to have to go in her diapers, well, let’s just say she was less then excited to have all the other six year old girls see she was wearing diapers like a baby – especially under here little bathing suit. ~ So it was no surprise that when […]
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