May 22, 2011

Mature Sex

Is your girlfriend and her friends nothing but a little tease? Are you fed up with their games and stuck up attitudes? I bet you long to be with a more mature lady, one that knows how to handle herself, one that is comfortable with her sexuality, one that wants to fulfill your sexual desires. A woman who is not afraid of a little cum. One who doesn’t get giddy or squeamish in the site of your hard bulging cock? Oh no, that is not what a mature women would […]
May 7, 2009

Cum see Mommy Lauren

Oh look my darlings, Mommy Lauren bought roses for our special occasion. You didn’t forget did you? Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday and Mommy L. is getting prepared for your visit. I do expect you to come by and celebrate. I will be dressed in my new red lingerie, candles will be lit, roses will be about and music will be softly playing in the background. Do come and join me after all I know how you do enjoy your time with your Mommy…until then. Luv & kisses, […]
April 30, 2009

Diaper Dreams

Mommy Lauren was talking to one of her most special abies on the phone and he told me about a very happy dream that he had. My abie had a special dream that Mommy Lauren brought home a most wonderful surprise a beautiful basket full of assorted diapers. Disposable and cloth of every single color and style. As my abie looked through the basket with much delight he also found plastic panties in all colors some with ruffles some plain and matching bonnets and bibs. We spent the entire afternoon […]
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