January 21, 2009

My sweet pet "J"

My sweet pet “J” went above and beyond this week. I asked him for a photo of the cute Valentine’s Day socks he’d just bought to wear for me, the ones that are pink and white and red with little hearts and sparklies on them. I’m sure you’ve seen something like them. I only asked for a picture of the socks themselves. Well silly pet “J” didn’t listen yet again, and he actually sent me a picture of him wearing them! *giggles* What a silly pet. Almost got caught wearing […]
July 2, 2008

Oral Exam

Lately I have had an absolute craving to suck on anything. Lollipops, hard candies, soda straws, pens, fingers, toes!…anything I can get a suction fix from, I’m into it! I am on the lookout for anything and everything I can to get my oral fixation. Do you have something to offer me to suck on? I would *love* to hear all about it! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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