November 29, 2020

Naughty Sissy Baby Humiliation

Sissy Baby Tammie shook and cried while Mommy and her friends laughed and teased her, talking about what a stinky baby she was.  It wasn’t her fault! She had been just a little cranky earlier (she may have talked back to Mommy, but it wasn’t that bad), and Mommy started being so mean! She wasn’t even told before why she was pulled down onto Mommy’s lap, never even saw the thermometer, but she sure felt it when Mommy slipped in it her bottom while she was laying over Mommy’s lap […]
June 15, 2019

Sissy Fucked in Diaper

Andrew rubbed his thighs together, barely hearing the crinkle from his plastic backed abdl diapers as he squirmed on the bed laid out on his back, watching Mommy Tawny walk towards him. Her strap-on was swaying in front of her, and he didn’t even try to look away, the thought of how good that dildo was going to feel inside him made his sissy pussy clench down on the plug inside it in eagerness.  It felt so good that a needy moan slipped past his lips and his hips rocked […]
January 27, 2019

Forever A Silly Sissy Baby

You will always be a diapered sissy baby.  Everything that you wear will be lacy, frilly, super feminine and girly and sissified! You did try for awhile, and I know you wanted it to work, but there never was a chance that you could do it. So don’t feel ashamed about this, dear, it’s just your nature.  There’s no fighting who you are, so you need to embrace it!  Though you should always be horribly embarrassed with how your tiny sissy clittie always stays hard inside your diapers. I do […]
July 7, 2018

Forced Sissy Phonesex

Are you upset about your outfit, dear? I did tell you that I wasn’t to going to put up with your cheating anymore, didn’t I? Yes, I did. From the way you kept right on, I assume you thought you were too clever to get caught. You aren’t, though. You are bumbling and inept, stumbling about while I watched and waited. And took lots of pictures while I waited! Goodness, imagine what would happen if these got posted online, the damage they would do to your life. Your job, your […]
June 17, 2017

Cuckold Mommy Phone Sex

Calling all cuckold phone sex lovers. It’s the first of the month again. That means that rent will soon be due so I hope you plan on paying it because a hot fem dom like me shouldn’t ever have to lift a finger for anything. Besides I treated myself to some new heels so once again you’re going to have to do and suck every cock needed until we’ve finally payed it off. That mouth will be working in over drive while your little hole gets plowed. I just got […]
April 10, 2017

Brenda’s Sissification Phone Sex

Now that you’re home, dear, it’s time for you to get comfortable! Take off all those horribly masculine clothes and slip into these lovely clothes I have laid out for you! It is definitely time for some sissification phone sex. I want you to put on the white thigh stockings with the bows, that pretty Catholic school girl skirt, the gloves, the lacy shirt, all of it!  Yes, of course the diaper!  That is why I laid it out on the bed, and why your skirt is so short.  I […]
May 1, 2015

Caring Mommy Janey

      I’m a beautiful caring abdl mommy who loves to play with all her abbies. Perhaps you just want to be diapered and cuckolded by your wife but you’re too afraid to tell her? Mommy Janey knows you want to be dressed in pantyhose with lace and plastic panties to become a proper little sissy girl.  You want to be pampered like the little sissy you are don’t you? Well, Now you can! It will be our little secret!  Janey 888*430*2010
July 29, 2013

Diapered in a dungeon

 Diapered in restraints down in my dark  lit femdom dungeon. You take that dildo pacifier nice and slow or I will put you in the rack and stretch your balls till  they are sore! The corporate world you hide in has no idea how much of a worthless loser you really are  perhaps I should invite a few of them down to my dungeon for drinks and a round of pin the tail on the diaper sissy. Would that frighten you to be seen as the sniveling coward you are in […]
June 28, 2013

Back in diapers you go sissybaby

Back in diapers you go sissy you know better then to make a mess while I am in the store  shopping! You will just stay in that messy,stinky diaper that should fix that attitude you sissy slut. I will make sure you wear the pink frilly dress that I picked out to your friend’s house. I am sure he will call you all kind’s of naughty names and he might even tell his mean friends to spank you with shoes and  sticks. Do not tell me again how you are […]
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