June 17, 2017

Cuckold Mommy Phone Sex

Calling all cuckold phone sex lovers. It’s the first of the month again. That means that rent will soon be due so I hope you plan on paying it because a hot fem dom like me shouldn’t ever have to lift a finger for anything. Besides I treated myself to some new heels so once again you’re going to have to do and suck every cock needed until we’ve finally payed it off. That mouth will be working in over drive while your little hole gets plowed. I just got […]
June 29, 2011

diaper punishment

Momma has told you and told you about making wet messes in your pants little girl. I’ve had it up to here with you not listening so I am thinking it’s time for diaper punishment. You wet your pants over and over and there’s no point in being in panties if you can’t keep from tinkling in them sissy pants. So I went out and I got you some cloth diapers, some baby powder, some locking plastic panties and some baby mitts to keep your hands off of your diapers. […]
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