February 28, 2013

Touching Silk

I know and saw how you watched as i moved across the floor watching every step i made you love silk stockings don’t you lil one your eyes gets all big and bright and shines like brand new buttons.The mouth falls open the drooling starts running down your chin can’t help yourself can you its so evident that you want to get closer to me.I sit in the chair and look at you still drooling i snicker to myself thinking i will see what else you do next since your […]
December 22, 2012

A Gift to Myself

Ever want something for Christmas but never seem to get the right one well i decided to get my own gift this year just for me.Well also since i have been so naughty and nice this year it felt good to treat myself with this awesome gift.So let me ask you this have you been a good fellow this year is Santa going to bring you something so extra special have it all wrapped up under that tree just waiting for your eyes to light up when you see it.Want […]
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