May 9, 2012

Come Play With Fetish Mommy Lauren

The best part of being an online Fetish Mommy is the fact that I get to play with so many sweet ABDL’s and Sissies! How much fun would it be to spend the day in the Nursery, coloring, singing songs, playing games, and if need be, diaper change after diaper change! Of course that’s not the only play time Mommy is thinking of. You know exactly what Mommy is talking about. Don’t you, you naughty little one. I would love nothing more then to be your very own Fetish Mommy […]
January 18, 2011


What makes you smile so big and wide is it when granny takes you into her arms and holds you ever so tightly against her. Maybe its when she checks that diaper and makes a funny face looking down at you saying oh my i smell something down there.Or just maybe its when she changes that stinky diaper and give you a fresh bottle of milk and tucks a nice fuzzy warm blanket around you and rocks you to sleep sounds good to me. i enjoy teasing my little ones […]
September 19, 2010

Diaper Domination

Diaper Domination is one of the tactics I employ on a regular basis. Nothing knocks a man down a few notches then when he is made to crawl after You while wearing a nice, big, bulky, noisy diaper! The look on their face, the embarrassment, the way they blush, especially when You make them look You in the eye as they kneel before You, their diaper blatantly protruding from between those spread thighs. The wicked little grin that spreads across My soft, pretty lips as I tap it with the […]
June 23, 2010

To My Grandmother

All the things you used to do Cooking dinner on Sunday Making homemade stew Sitting for hours Telling us tales Of how poor Jonah Was swallowed by the whale Working in your garden Pulling all the weeds Wiping sweat from your brow And gently planting seeds You are a special Grandma One that we adore You taught us right from wrong And so very much more. Grandma I remember When you would sing a song You would encourage Us all to sing along And you would sit and rock And […]
June 19, 2010

Sore Hiney Blues

This is the official song of the slow pokes of the world. It’s called the Sore Hiney Blues: When the road is feeling rocky And you know you’ve paid your dues When your knees are feeling knocky You’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The SAGS, they got pretzels And Watermelons too, But when my hineys hurting They say, WE CAN’T HELP YOU! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby […]
June 12, 2010

Rhumba Bras

I love Rhumba panties, especially when they are worn with Rhumba Bras. What is a Rhumba bra you ask, take a look. I would wear this. It’s beautiful isn’t it? This is something someone could wear on their wedding night. I would wear it on mine, if I ever get married that is lol. I keep waiting for my boyfriend to ask me, but I guess it will take awhile. Maybe instead of wearing this for my wedding I should just put it on for him along with some rhumba […]
June 6, 2010

Messy Messy Messy

When I was growing up during the Christmas Holiday Season (yes I realize it’s almost summer lol) we would watch christmas specials that would come on. We used to get excited about it too. One of my favorites was Frosty The Snowman and it was because the magician used to say those three words that I used in the title of this blog. It wasn’t just the words but the way he said it. For some reason it would make me laugh, I was a very strange child what can […]
May 22, 2010

When Hairballs Go Bad

This photo made me laugh. I mean would you be scared of that? Really? It looks like something you pull out of your drain. Just get some Brawny and swipe it up, give it a good shot of clorox cleaner as well. I can see maybe if you were a germaphobe or something along those lines. But come on, would you lay on the floor and scream and be afraid? Okay talking and walking hairballs are not the most common thing, and one might be startled at first, but to […]
April 3, 2010

Coloring Easter

How many of you will be coloring eggs this year? I color them myself, I also deck out my house for every holiday as I have blogged about in the past. So in a few minutes I will sit down to color eggs and make them very pretty, then take them to my neighbor’s Easter Egg hunt tomorrow for the kids. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
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