August 21, 2010

Demon or Angel?

As with many people, I seem to have an angel on one shoulder and a demon sitting on the other, with both whispering in my ear what to do. My angel says that I should forgive my little one and let his little indiscretions slide. That I should hold him tight and shower him with kisses and love. My demon on the other hand, is telling me that he needs to be punished – severely. A paddling that leaves his hinny red, raw and welted, then forcing him to stay […]
August 15, 2010

Little Swimmers

I saw these and I thought how cute!! Little swimmers for big babies! Perfect for the beach or the town pool, hehehe. I would lay you down on the blanket, take off you regular diaper (yes, in front of everyone there), and put on your little swimmers. Then after some water fun, I would lay you down once again, get you all dried off (and yes, in front of every one there again), and put a fresh, thick diaper on again. Then some cuddle time while I nurse you, and […]
August 15, 2010

A Perfect Day

What would your perfect day be? Would it be just relaxing?  Starting a vacation?  Being with the one you love?  I think mine would have to be spending the day with friends and a very special someone who I love very much.  Maybe go to the beach, or go window shopping, or watch a movie with them.  There is something so wonderful about being with someone you are totally in love with.  Your heart beats faster, your face hurts from smiling and you laugh a lot.  It just makes life […]
August 5, 2010

The Forgotten Mother

A gray old woman sits all alone Unloved, uncherished and unknown. Sitting beside her broken door. Dreaming of days past long ago, When children played about her knee Filling the air with childish glee, Tended by her with loving care. Knowing the blessing of a Mother’s prayer. But now they have gone, each to his life A girl to her husband, a boy to his wife, Forgetful are they of her who sits here Silently wiping a tricking tear, For striving for things in a life so brief Blind their […]
August 1, 2010


Yesterday I was speaking to my sister on the phone and she told me that her and her family were going to a carnival that night. I have to say I became somewhat jealous. I miss going to them. Especially eating the cotton candy and caramel apples. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. We used to go to them during the summer when I was a kid. It was a big deal to us, and we looked forward to it every year. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, and we hardly went on […]
July 31, 2010

My Kinda Crib

Ok, so here’s another gem of an antique. No big crib that locks for my little ones – ohh noooooo!! Hehe. Just enough room to lie down and keep still. I dare say, they did know how to punish little ones back in the day. No squirming allowed here; heck, no squirming here is possible. Can you imagine, laying in here, unable to move, just wetting over and over again, not being able to avoid the rash and bed sores from forming, at the mercy of your keeper. Ya know, […]
July 24, 2010

Bubble Fun

I absolutely love sitting on the front step and just blow bubbles. So when I saw these pics I was thinking to myself, wow now he must REALLY love bubbles! Those are some HUGE bubbles! LOL! Can you imagine the time he put into creating that huge bubble maker, and I wonder what special ingredient he added to his soap mixture so they wouldn’t pop under their own weight. Idk, but they sure look like a lot of fun! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
July 18, 2010

Little Brats

Yeah I know you are out there, I know because I talk to you. I am surprised at how many little bad AB’s there are, well okay maybe I’m not. I like the bad ones actually, since I enjoy discipline in the first place, not give to me mind you, but doling it out to others. Makes me a very happy fetish babysitter! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
June 12, 2010

Rhumba Bras

I love Rhumba panties, especially when they are worn with Rhumba Bras. What is a Rhumba bra you ask, take a look. I would wear this. It’s beautiful isn’t it? This is something someone could wear on their wedding night. I would wear it on mine, if I ever get married that is lol. I keep waiting for my boyfriend to ask me, but I guess it will take awhile. Maybe instead of wearing this for my wedding I should just put it on for him along with some rhumba […]
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