June 11, 2010

a diaper and a movie

There are so many new movies coming out to see this summer. From Marmaduke to Toy Story 3, The Karate Kid and even Ramona and Beezus. It just might be time to rethink dinner and a movie and make it diaper and a movie. That would be a more accurate description of a movie trip with Mommy. That way you don’t miss one moment of the movie that you can’t pause or rewind to catch back up on. Plus you won’t have to deal with public bathrooms, and that is […]
May 29, 2010

What Heroes Gave

Each donned their uniform to be Defenders of our liberty Their mission sure, their spirits bright Guard freedom’s home, be brave to fight One final day each faced their call Each gave their best enduring all We’ll never know what they went through But know they loved this country true Deep down inside we should all feel What heroes gave, their cost so real We must stay thankful, grateful of The gift of freedom through their love Their loved ones bore the gravest pain What we can’t know, some now […]
May 27, 2010


Awwww poor….er….uh…whatever that is. Got squashed! This toy just makes me laugh. I think I would give this to someone I really don’t like, I mean it’s the perfect..I Wish You Would Get Hit By A Truck gift. Don’t you think? I can think of about 12 people who I would send it to. And for those of you who say..that’s mean Stacie…yeah well it is mean, but it’s also appropriate for the 12 people who I would bestow it to, so..THERE! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
May 6, 2010

Great Flick

They released Dirty Dancing out on DVD. I am looking forward to watching this one again. After watching all the Dancing with the Stars, I think I need to see the man who knew all the right moves! I remember when I first watched this flick, I use to day dream about Patrick Swayze for days on end. I even called my boyfriend Patrick once, he would get so mad at me LOL. I couldn’t help it, I mean hes just HOT! Now I am all hot and bothered thinking […]
May 2, 2010

Be on the Look Out!

Smurfs Gone Wild! Be on the Look out for blue little creatures that go by the name of Smurfs. Don’t let the cute little name fool you these little creatures are armed, dangerous and WANTED in the alleged allegations of sneaking into windows at night, bounding up their victims and forcing many obscene sexual acts. Once again, they are dangerous, into BDSM and are believed to be stalking their next victim. Last report has these little blue creatures in the proximity of our very own Moderator Delilah’s house at 1:00am […]
March 7, 2010

Camo Sissy

I live in the South, I know, the best place on earth! How could it not be? I mean, I do live here! Oh my, I am kidding, I am no where near that full of myself. There are a lot of hunters around here though. Always dressed in their camo and orange vests, carrying rifles…..that does not sound very good does it? Let me get back to where I was going to go with this in the first place. Ah yes, the hunters, I had a very odd thought […]
January 10, 2010

Kisses And Hugs

I was trying to find out where this comes from. The use of X and O’s to signify Hugs and Kisses, and so far I have come up with this: The REAL definition behind X’s and O’s is this The first mention in literature of XXX for kisses at the bottom of a letter was in 1901, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The X itself is very old. The custom goes back to the early Christian era, when a cross mark or “X” was the same as a sworn […]
December 3, 2009

Next Up!

Well, another Thanksgivings has come to pass and Next Up is Christmas. Not much time left to prepare. I myself have my tree up, house is decorated for the most part, shopping is close to complete and fun activities are underway. Some of my favorite things to do during the winter season is enjoying the outdoors, carriage rides down town, taking long drives to look at the lights, bundling up and taking late night stroll under the moon in the fresh crisp air of the night, and relaxing at a […]
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