December 11, 2008

butterflies for sissies

A sissy I talk to had to make a butterfly mobile. It’s so cute; it looks like the little mobiles you’d make in an art class. He sent me some pictures of it. He made it, sent photos, and then some of it hanging over his little bed. Such a sweet sissy, and now she can look at the butterflies as she drifts off to dream land. Do any of you have mobiles? Or other pretty things to look at, at bedtime?   Mommy Scarlet  
November 27, 2008

diapered and on the go

With so many people traveling I wonder if diaper lovers are wearing on the roads? It would sure make the trips faster, and for traffic, oh my goodness what a lifesaver. So who is wearing on the road this weekend everyone? Curious mommies want to know. I see so many times that being a diaper lover could be such an advantage, traveling and camping are my two big ones. Mommy Scarlet Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
October 29, 2008


Redheads have all the fun, it’s true.  Think of a redhead you know, they are quirky, witty, outlandish, outspoken, versitile, and funny.  I am all that and a Mommy too for the ABDL community.  Come spend some time with me on the phone, and find out for yourself. Maggy 1 888 430 2010
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