January 25, 2014

Sensual Spankings

I love spankings – to give and on occasion, to receive. But mostly giving them brings me great joy. One of my favorite fantasies is to be the mean, but yet very hot, next door neighbor. You are too old for a babysitter but, your parents are going away for the weekend and cannot trust you alone in the house. So guess what? They send you over to my house. No, I do not tolerate mischievous boys well. And I let it be known that I am not going to […]
January 3, 2014

Basement Sissy Baby

My best friend came over the other day upset and a bit lost – she wasn’t sure what to do with what she had discovered.  You see, she had told me that she recently caught her husband being naughty in the basement and wearing girly clothes – I mean frilly little girly clothes, complete with ruffles and lace, right down to little white ankle socks and Mary Janes.   I big smile came over my face; I told her I knew just what to do with her basement sissy.  If […]
December 7, 2013

Twisters: Tales from The Romper Room, Urban Edition

Now I know every one knows and has heard of Romper Room.  In fact, most of us have had it televised in our neighborhood at one time or another.  But I have stumbled upon an alternate version of the beloved Romper Room.  Seems that different areas had very different versions.   Let’s take for example what the magic mirror sees in different areas of the country.  At the end of each show, the hostess would look into her magic mirror, chanting those immortal words… “Romper, bomper, stomper, boo. Tell me, […]
November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Diapers

Is everyone excited about turkey day?  So much delicious food to taste and sample… and let’s face it, gorge upon.  Between all the traditional dishes (i.e. turkey, stuffing, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.) and all those new or special family recipes handed down from generation to generation, your stomach will have to stretch beyond its capacity.  And as always, what goes in, must come out.  Now the question is, will what comes out come out TOO easily or with great difficulty? And will there be a long line at the bathroom?  […]
October 30, 2013

Halloween is Here

Halloween just makes roleplay phone sex so much funner! You can dress up as whatever you want and nobody will suspect a thing! What do you want to be this year? Mommy was thinking of being a kitty cat or a sexy little devil. Do you want to help her decide? We can go over to the coustume store and dress ourselves up! We have to make sure your costume is super scary so you get lots and lots of candy! You know how much Mommy Candy loves candy! Hell, […]
October 14, 2013

Halloween Fun

  Ghosts and goblins go running in fear when it comes to a badass phone sex mommy like me. Halloween ain’t got nothing on this dome diva. I’ll give you your treats but any tricks little boi and you’ll be sorry. Maybe I’ll open a house of horrors. All the little tricker treaters pile on inside expecting scary props to pop put and candy at the end. But what happens when the parents realize none of their kids have came home? Uh oh. Getting a cheap candy or a healthy […]
October 11, 2013

Experienced Mommy Phone Sex

Nobody can make you feel more safe and relaxed than an experienced Mommy can. No judgments, no rules, no limits — just getting real and enjoying your body and your fantasies. That is what mommy phone sex and adult baby phone sex is all about – especially with an experienced mommy. It’s no wonder that so many people with high stress jobs find it such a wonderful way to unwind.   The contrast with the cold harsh world is what makes AB/DL so wonderfully relaxing. So whether it is diaper play, diaper […]
August 14, 2013

Spare the rod?

I can be the sweetest, most nurturing mommy that you ever imagined. But, I can also be a strict mommy when you don’t do as your told. This little darling thought it would be funny to disobey Mommy, but oh how quickly we proved that wrong! You see, my darling thought it would be fun to dress up in Mommy’s clothes while she was gone. Putting on my favorite blouse and skirt, with my sheer panties and matching bra underneath it all. He thought I would never know, but he […]
August 8, 2013

New Playmates

Last week, Daddy was telling me about a new man at work.  Daddy said the man was very nice, but he was very lonely.  See, the new man just moved here from another town, very far away, and didn’t have any friends here yet.  The poor man!  I felt very sad for him, and I just can’t imagine being so far from home! Daddy asked if I would like to meet the new man and make him feel welcome.  With a giggle, I bounced up and down, clapped my hands […]
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