June 2, 2010

Diaper Pins and Toys

I don’t remember seeing this kind of My Little Pony when I was growing up. I had many of them though. So now I am looking all over for the diaper pin pony or ponies. I was just telling an aby the other night how I loved playing with these Pony toys as a girl. I grew out of it fast though and they got passed on to some other little girl. If you happen to see one of these on Ebay or somewhere please e-mail me ( phoneamommylexus (@) […]
April 14, 2010


A long, deep, wet kiss! There aint nothin sexier then a a guy who likes to kiss me hard and deep. Teasing me with that tongue, me nibbling on your lip. I mean thats HOT! You don’t have to be beautiful to turn me on I just need your body baby From dusk till dawn You don’t need experience To turn me out You just leave it all up to me I’m gonna show you what it’s all about You don’t have to be rich To be my girl You […]
October 22, 2009

After Mommy’s panties

Mommy’s panties are so tempting to baby. I know you snag them when you are toddling around in your diaper and Mommy is busy. You think you are being sneaky but you are about to find out that I have known all of this time. Then you’ll find Mommy covering your face in her creamy panties and forcing you to sniff at her command. How red will your face be when Mommy confronts you I wonder. Mommy Scarlet
September 18, 2009

Adult baby humiliation

It’s a lot of fun diapering you up and forcing you to live as my baby. It’s time to take it to the next step though. Expose baby to other Mommies. I’m going to make you ultra adorable to make sure you get all of the attention you deserve. Now you’re in thick cloth diapers and very bright blue plastic pants. Don’t you just look like Mommy’s little waddle wormy? It’s going to be hard walking through the library like that though, but I don’t want you to miss story […]
September 12, 2009

when you wish!!!….

< I REALLY LOVE THIS SONG AND ALOT OF THE ABIES I BABYSIT DO TOO… When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon […]
March 18, 2009

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone

Hello Boys, I’m Mommy Gina. I’ll show you what a grown woman looks like down there, and what you can do! I’ll show you what to do! Don’t tell anyone though, it’s our little secret! Let’s go into the other room, and you can call and tell me all about the secret feelings you’ve been having lately. Daddy can’t hear us, you can tell Mommy Soccermom gina 1-888-430-2010
March 12, 2009

stay calm

Life has been a little bit stressful lately. I don’t think it is just me though, I think other people feel that way too. So more and more I am looking for relaxing looking scenery in photos online. Places that I can imagine myself being, and it helps me stay calm. There are lots of places to find magnificent nature images that would take your breath away if you saw them in real life. That’s the sort I enjoy looking at. Scarlet
February 26, 2009

Cookies & Milk!

Well now guess what Mommy Lauren has been up today? You guessed it making my extra special cookies for my extra special darlings! Do you like my new purple apron? I always have plenty of pretty aprons to wear when I cook and well Mommy L has some for you to wear also if you like. OOPS gotta get the cookies out of the oven before they burn…hehe can’t wait to share them with you.
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