October 18, 2010

A Boy Named Sue

Well, my daddy left home when I was three, and he didn’t leave much to Ma and me, just this old guitar and a bottle of booze. Now I don’t blame him because he run and hid, but the meanest thing that he ever did was before he left he went and named me Sue. Well, he must have thought it was quite a joke, and it got lots of laughs from a lot of folks, it seems I had to fight my whole life through. Some gal would giggle […]
March 23, 2009

All in a Day’s Work……

Oh, my little one you are all wet and sticky. What have you gotten into? Mommy Sara told you not to mess yourself. I told you to wear that diaper. But nooooo, you refused to listen to Mommy. That’s it! I’m done your gona get cleaned up and into that diaper if it’s the last thing I ever make you do! Now come on come with Mommy into the bathroom where I can wash you all up. First let me get those hands, you were diggin all in that messy […]
February 7, 2009


I long to live in the world of Fantasy! I think Peter Pan would be one of my favorite stories cause I just never want to grow up! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
January 28, 2009

New plastic panties!

I would love to have a pair of these plastic panties! A good friend of mine shared these with me, and I just cannot get over how cute they are! Love the silver and black with the teddy bears, they are just too adorable! I must remember when I speak to my dl again to ask where he found them. Not to mention, I want to know if he has a pair of his own he will show me. *giggles* CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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