June 18, 2009

Rainy afternoon

It sure has been storming a lot in my neck of the woods. Time for some indoor fun and games! I love to color and finger paint with my little ones. Or maybe we’ll make some cookies together. We can play Peek-a-Boo, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and my favorite, This Little Piggy! Now doesn’t that sound like a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
May 14, 2009

Seven Minutes in Heaven

I have a new game to teach you and your friends the next time you have a sleep over. It’s called Seven Minutes in Heaven. And seeing how I’ll be the only girl there, you all get to play with me *wink*. One at a time, you’ll join me in the closet, and I’ll show you such wondrous things, you’ll think you’re in heaven! What’s that? You want to have a sleep over tonight? Anything for my little man! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
February 11, 2009

Soccer Diaper Bag

***MUST HAVE*** !!! If anyone knows where to find this cute soccer diaper bag, please let me know! I want it, I need it! lol! This is just the perfect diaper bag for me, and will fit in nicely when I go to soccer practice or games! Can’t you just see me carrying this around with me as I’m walking into the locker room? Talk about a conversation starter! “Hey Jenna, cool bag!” “Thanks, it holds all my diaper supplies!” What a great way to introduce people to the ab/dl […]
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