June 4, 2011

Poopiest Diaper Ever!

So I have had some constipation problems and so I took some new formula laxative pill I bought from the local new earth store. So there I am in my favorite diaper from AB Universe and I am sitting there in my purple diaper , like other diaper girls do just kick in back chatting in chartrooms and on yahoo and omg I just poop! My diaper fills up! It was like omg what just happened, it was like a burst and explosion LOL. I tell you it was such […]
February 21, 2010

How are you today? How are those diapers doing? Wet? Does baby need a change? I can see you sitting there, diaper bulky, wet between your legs, you just playing away, unaware of how wet you really are. You smile at me from across the room, and I smile back. Come to me little one and let’s take care of that diapie! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
September 12, 2009

Diapie Cover

mmmmmm.  Ice cream cone hiney. *giggle* I think this is so cutsie.  Isn’t it? I would love for a nice Daddy to put me in this before tucking me in for ni ni’s.  I think I would look adorable in it.  Don’t you? *giggle*  I love mi diapies.  I haves so manys.  I just need a call from you to help me feel like the precious girl that I am.  Me lovies yous bunches! Cali 1-888-430-2010
August 18, 2009

I Can Wear A Rainbow

Looks at all dez pretty diapies!  It’s a rainbow of softness!  Me wants somes.  *giggles*  Does anyone have diapies like dez? Please tells mes where yous gots dem. Snugglie and Huggies Cali 1-888-430-2010
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