October 31, 2012

Halloween Scare Phone Sex

So my little Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers and Sissies alike, are we all excited for Halloween?  What do we have planned? Visit a haunted house or a haunted hay ride?  Maybe watch scary movies and stay up all night, peering over your covers and keeping a close eye on the closet door (which, by the way, you could have sworn you closed three times already)?  Perhaps you’re planning on staying in a graveyard till after the witching hour, or performing a séance with some of your ghoulishly fun friends?  […]
October 23, 2010

Halloween Customes

So apparently Spiderman is going to be one of the most popular costumes this year for Halloween. I am here to say, I like Spiderman, but what about Spiderwomen? I think Charlotte as a famous spider from Charlotte’s Web was brilliant and fascinating; why not have costumes for a women spidey fan? I mean to say; here we have a mysterious, intelligent, talented, wicked but gentle, charming, radiant, alluring female spider that hasn’t had her fair share of the glory. She is the perfect idea for this year’s women, attracting […]
October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

I love carving pumpkins, love to bake the seeds, turn on the haunting music, make pumpkin pies and of course eating pumpkin pie LOL. I havent bought my pumpkin yet, but when I do I will post a pic of it here for you all to see. I sure hope you ABDL’s love this holiday as much as I do. Cant wait to here about your plans, come visit us in chat so you can tell us all about your holiday plans and your Halloween activities! Mommy Sara 1 888 […]
October 10, 2010

Looks what I have…..

I getting my candy bowl together and my custome. I am going to dress up as Little Bo Peep. Anyone else dressing up? Let me tell you what I have in my bowl so far. I have Bit-O-Honey oh yeah, Candy Corn gotta have ’em, Appleheads emmm, Pixie Sticks sweet right, Sugar Babies pure sugar, Baby Snickers, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Hersheys Bars YUMMY! I hope they last LOL, but dont count on it! Cum get your Mandy Candy its going fassssssssssssssst! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
October 25, 2009

Something for the Holiday

I thought a little something from Lord Byron would be appropriate with Halloween around the corner – enjoy (hehe)!     But first, on earth as Vampire sent, Thy corpse shall from the tomb be rent: Then ghastly haunt thy native place, And suck the blood of all thy race; There from thy daughter, sister, wife, At midnight drain the stream of life; Yet loathe the banquet which perforce Must feed thy livid living corpse. Shall know the demon for their sire, At cursing thee, thou cursing them, Thy flowers […]
October 25, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has plans to go out on Halloween, I will be waiting at my door with lots of candy for the Trick or Treaters. I enjoy looking at the costumes, espeically all the princesses and fairies. Tinkerbell is hot this year so I’m thinking I will see a lot of tinks at my door. What will you be doing? How will you dress up this year? Be safe and don’t eat too much candy! Liz 1-888-430-2010
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