August 29, 2010

Happy Music

Isn’t it just amazing how music can effect your mood?  This morning while I was doing Yoga I put on some Happy Music and it always makes me smile and gives me the energy that I need to finish my work out.  Remember when you were in High School and dating and you would break up with someone, or they would break up with you (how dare they!) and a song would come on and it would make you feel like your heart was breaking all over again?  Or the […]
June 23, 2010

Need To Get Back To Happy

I’m in a terrible mood today and I really need to shake it off, but I don’t know how, or even if I want to. Sometimes being in a foul mood feels good. I know that’s contradictory but it’s true. There is something comforting about misery, and as the saying goes misery loves company. Now I just need to find a bunch of people who feel the way I do and hang out with them. It will be heaven. The problem is if you allow yourself to wallow too long […]
November 15, 2009

Come on baby it’s time for bed. Crawl into mommy’s lap with your favorite balnkie and let me tell you a story. In a land far away in another time and place there was a man. That man was very unhappy. He had to wear big boy clothes and go to a big boy job. This man didn’t like to have to be  big boy. One day he met a beautiful woman. This woman told the man that she is a witch and she could tell he was very unhappy. […]
March 26, 2009

teaching you stuff

A lot of the times Mommies teach little ones valuable lessons. Other times we tell you stuff that you’ll probably never need to know, but might be fun anyhow. Today is one of the other times. Here are some fun facts. Mommy Scarlet Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes. An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it. In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. The world’s youngest parents were 8 […]
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