May 15, 2009

Spanking Time!

You know one of my very special abies came over for a visit Mother’s Day and well it had been a very long time so we had much to catch up on. First, Mommy Lauren went over the rules which abie knows very well the punishment if broken and guess what? He had been very naughty since we last saw each other. I must have given him over 40 spankings his bottom was so very red and sore he had to sleep on his tummy. hehe That’s right Mommy Lauren […]
May 7, 2009

Cum see Mommy Lauren

Oh look my darlings, Mommy Lauren bought roses for our special occasion. You didn’t forget did you? Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday and Mommy L. is getting prepared for your visit. I do expect you to come by and celebrate. I will be dressed in my new red lingerie, candles will be lit, roses will be about and music will be softly playing in the background. Do come and join me after all I know how you do enjoy your time with your Mommy…until then. Luv & kisses, […]
April 16, 2009

I have been day dreaming about you my darling…we go to a very far way mystical place where anything is possible. All our dreams, fantasy’s come true together. Call Mommy Lauren now let’s dream together.
March 18, 2009

Hugs good for you?

You better believe hugs are wonderful for you! Hugs are good for your heart, blood pressure and your overall health. And I mean they just feel good to give or to receive. Do you need a big ol bear hug? Mommy Lauren has a never ending supply for you. Much laughter always, xoxoxoxo Lauren 🙂
October 29, 2008


Redheads have all the fun, it’s true.  Think of a redhead you know, they are quirky, witty, outlandish, outspoken, versitile, and funny.  I am all that and a Mommy too for the ABDL community.  Come spend some time with me on the phone, and find out for yourself. Maggy 1 888 430 2010
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