October 6, 2019

Sissy Locked in Chastity

All too often, a sissy will come my way with a grave misconception about just what they are permitted to do and what they are forbidden from doing. Too many sissies will assume that just because they may have been behaving lately, that they are allowed to take it upon themselves to decide to start playing with that little peepee. Sorry, sweeties! Wrong! That pathetic little thing belongs in one place and one place only: locked up tight in chastity! That look of disbelief and humiliation on their face when […]
September 5, 2019

What Type Humiliation Is Your Favorite?

I certainly know that for quite a few sissy babies getting humiliated can be a highly sexual experience for them, and there is not a thing wrong with that. It can be a lot of fun for me to tease, let me tell you! But for others, it’s never sexualized. Whatever embarrassing and mortifying things the sissy is told to wear or do, it’s solely about the humiliation and shame that comes along due to those actions.  Sometimes it’s done publicly, other times in private, but either way the sissy […]
June 30, 2019

Showing Off Sissy

“Come on out, dear!” You can hear her calling you from the living room, followed by a bunch of excited giggles from her friends. Running your hands down the front of your short, pleated skirt you wonder how much more of this sissy humiliation you can stand. Here you are, dressed in an adult baby diaper, plastic pants, and oh so short pink skirt and matching blouse, about to walk down the hall and present yourself to your sadistic girlfriend (now your Mommy!) and her attractive female friends, the kind […]
April 10, 2018

Diaper Boy

Well well what do we have here? I think we have ourselves a group of dirty diaper phone sex lovers! Mommy Ava knows just how much you love going potty in your diapers but today were going to try something a bit different! This story is going to get really stinky if you catch my drift so if you aren’t a fan of toilet play or scat this isn’t the fantasy for you! Okay so that being said we all know what it’s like to wear a diaper and mess […]
March 16, 2018

Sissy Baby Girl

I don’t see any big boys here, just a little sissy baby girl. So why are you still dressed like that, dollface? Strip for Mommy this instant! I have a whole wardrobe of ruffly, frilly, lacy dresses with your name on them. And that wittle bitty dicklette will be locked away in a pretty pink chastity cage, no more playing with your sissy button, Mommy owns that nub now. We have a party to get to so quit your dawdling and get dressed in the outfit I have picked out […]
June 18, 2017

Forced Back Into Adult Diapers

Get up my sweet boy it’s time for school! Wake up! I am going to go grab your lunch and your better be up and dressed do you understand me? Good boy I walk into the kitchen and grab your lunch and come and check on you! Om what is that wet spot in the middle of the bed?  What do you mean that you may have had a little accident? That is unacceptable What did I tell you would happen if this happened again? Hm? Well since you don’t […]
January 27, 2017

Abdl Mommy Hires Baby sitter Part 1

Don’t you dare talk to you Abdl mommy that way! I am sorry but mommy has to go to work I wish I could stay home and watch and play with my little Sissy baby but I cannot. So I have decided that, you can’t be left alone, because you may try and touch your small pee-pee and you know that’s not allowed with out mommy there to tell you what to do, Or give you permission. With that being said I have taken up the responsibility to hire a […]
July 3, 2016

Public Punishment

So let me tell you how my date went the other night ! We went out to eat. By the way ,  I am a very demanding date! I gotta be in control at all times! Don’t think about making any decisions without me making them for you! Well, when was getting ready to leave i slipped him a bright pink package and told him to open it, right here at the table. Once he opened it he pulled out a pair of sheer pink panties and a nice butt […]
April 21, 2016

Trouble Pt 3

I made her wonder for a little while just lightly tapping the hairbrush on her little baby bottom from time to time.  Once I knew she wasn’t sure when the spanking would begin, I landed the first smack right in the middle of her two precious cheeks and watched her bottom quiver.  Of course she let out a cry, but I was determined this little girl was going to learn her lesson.  I started scolding her while I spanked in rhythm, “don’t you ever go outside without mommy or daddy […]
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