June 4, 2013

Staying with Granny

I got in some trouble… again. I went to stay with Granny Minnie for a day ‘cause Daddy said I couldn’t be trusted to stay by myself. Hmmph! I’m a babysitter, I don’t need a babysitter! But anyway, Daddy didn’t care about that, so off I went with Granny. I thought it would be easy and fun. I thought Granny would let me do whatever I wanted and spoil me. I thought I could get away with anything. Boy, was I wrong! Granny made me help her in the garden […]
August 1, 2010

Hello Kitty Dress

OMYGOODNESS!  Would you look at this wedding dress? It’s beautiful.   Look at the sweet little Hello Kitty on the bust.  Awwww.  This reminds me of winter, like a snow princess.  Doesn’t it you?  Would you wear this?  I so would, to like a costume party or something during the holiday season.  Would you wear this?  I bet you would! *giggles* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
May 9, 2010


I love to giggle on the phone.  Nuffin better then hearing you beg for me to stop *giggle* .  You know I won’t though.  Awww don’t be too sad *boo hoo*, you know me, you know it’s just to tease you and make you do the things you don’t want to.   Even if I know that deep down inside you love it just as much as I do. *winks* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
April 25, 2010

Sweet as Sweet Can Be

I think this is soooooooooooooo cute, and precious!  I want it sooooooooo badly. *giggle*  I can just see you standing there wearing it, thinking I’m not home yet, and I catch you! HAHAHA! This reminds me of Vegas, Vegas Show Girl Sissy.  I can see you having to prance around in front of me and my friends in this, ears and all. *giggle* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
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