February 11, 2009

Soccer Diaper Bag

***MUST HAVE*** !!! If anyone knows where to find this cute soccer diaper bag, please let me know! I want it, I need it! lol! This is just the perfect diaper bag for me, and will fit in nicely when I go to soccer practice or games! Can’t you just see me carrying this around with me as I’m walking into the locker room? Talk about a conversation starter! “Hey Jenna, cool bag!” “Thanks, it holds all my diaper supplies!” What a great way to introduce people to the ab/dl […]
February 5, 2009

Your Secret

Wouldn't it be great to have one and be put into diapers, making you stay in them until you made a huge poopy mess?
January 28, 2009

New plastic panties!

I would love to have a pair of these plastic panties! A good friend of mine shared these with me, and I just cannot get over how cute they are! Love the silver and black with the teddy bears, they are just too adorable! I must remember when I speak to my dl again to ask where he found them. Not to mention, I want to know if he has a pair of his own he will show me. *giggles* CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
January 21, 2009

My sweet pet "J"

My sweet pet “J” went above and beyond this week. I asked him for a photo of the cute Valentine’s Day socks he’d just bought to wear for me, the ones that are pink and white and red with little hearts and sparklies on them. I’m sure you’ve seen something like them. I only asked for a picture of the socks themselves. Well silly pet “J” didn’t listen yet again, and he actually sent me a picture of him wearing them! *giggles* What a silly pet. Almost got caught wearing […]
January 14, 2009


Cousins, how could you live without us really? We’re there for you, we’ll change your diapers for you, we’ll laugh with you, we’ll laugh at you…*giggles*. We’ll play with you, we’ll babysit you. Most of all we’ll always be here for you. We’re here when you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or some encouragement. Of course we’re always willing to poke fun at you too. Go on, say the word. We’re listening! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
January 7, 2009

Ruffles on the butt!

Ruffles on the butt, ruffles on the butt! Ha ha ha coconut! *giggles* You’re a big sissy now, aren’t you? Being put into lots of ruffles and pink dresses. Ha ha ha you don’t look like yourself anymore. You’re just a sissy now. Pretty ribbons in your hair, stockings and those little mary janes. Schoolgirl shoes for you! Ha ha ha! Bet you have to play all those little girl games too, like jumprope and hopscotch. Perhaps you’re now a sissy maid, being forced to scrub the floors in your […]
December 31, 2008

I see you…

I see you. You’re watching me change my clothes. You are anxiously awaiting that moment when I slip out of my pants and panties and into a nice, soft diaper. I know you ache to be here with me. I know you want to be the one to slip it under my nice round bottom. You drool over the thought of powdering me all over before pulling that diaper up between my legs and snugging it up tight. I know you cannot wait for the day to get your hands […]
December 24, 2008

Daddy’s Little Girl

I often feel like Daddy’s Little Girl at this time of year. There’s presents and parties and time for me to just be spoiled rotten! With lots of offers to diaper me up, it makes all the hectic days leading up to the festivities worth every moment! Now that I’ve been spoiled, it’s time for me to spoil…you and you and you and oh yes you too! *giggles* Maybe you want to spoil me after the holidays are over? Oh my! Daddy I would just love that! *skips off giggling* […]
December 17, 2008

Merry Kiss Moose!

Who will you be standing under the mistletoe with this holiday season? And what type of diapers will you be wearing? I hope you catch that special cutie and give them a nice, long, long, sweet kiss! Of course, who’s to say you can’t start a new tradition this year? Get caught under the mistletoe and it’s time to check your diaper to see how wet and messy it is! *giggles* Then we can sit down and watch some holiday movies while we snuggle on the couch… CousinJenna 1 888 […]
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