December 10, 2008

Froggy for me!

Everyone should get one of these! Wouldn’t this diaper bag look so cute at the beach! Or anywhere really. The froggie is just TOO CUTE! Isn’t this just such an adorable diaper bag. I just love it. I want to stuff it full and take it with me anywhere. Heheheh. I can see me now headed out with one of these on my shoulder. Everyone would take notice and ask what’s in it! And you know me, any chance to talk about diapers I’m all up for it! CousinJenna 1 […]
December 3, 2008

Going away for the holidays?

I do hope you have time this holiday season for some good rr&dt…rest, relaxation & diaper time! If you can’t get to a nice, warm beach and into a hammock like this, then at least turn up the heat, turn on some music, and dance your cares away! There’s nothing quite like exercise to perk up your mood. It gets your blood flowing, and gets you in the mood to be on the move again. Or of course a nice hammock is good too. *giggles* No matter what, please remember […]
November 26, 2008

Shake, Shake, Shake!

Shake, shake, shake, shake your booty, shake your booty yeah! Don’t forget after that big Thanksgiving Day Feast to work off all those calories! Need help getting your diapered butt in gear? Give me a call and I’ll give you a workout routine you’ll want to stick with! *giggles* CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
November 12, 2008

Food fun

There’s just something about fruit. It’s tasty. It’s filling. It’s good for you. And it’s great to share! I love taking fruit and cutting it up and sharing it with that someone special bit by bit. I love it when fresh pineapple drips down my hands and you need to lick up the juices. I love eating fruit off your body, nibbling it and licking it up. I love to have fun and play “catch” with your diaper, seeing how much fruit I can toss into it from across the […]
November 5, 2008

Where’s my brat?

Where’s my brat? Hmm? Where are you hiding tonight? Have you gone and made a mess in your diaper? Do you refuse to let anyone change you? You think you can get away with running around and making a complete mess of things? Call me and I’ll straighten your little bottom out tonight. I’ll clean you up, give you a nice, sound diaper spanking, and put you to bed happy. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
October 29, 2008

Happy Spooky Day!

Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope you get lots of goodies this week! I know I am hoping to chat with everyone on Friday at our Halloween Bash in the PhoneAMommy chatroom! That is one party I will not miss! How well do you really know your mommies, aunties, sitters, nannies and cousins, hmm? *giggles* Come see if you can guess! Happy Halloween everyone, hope to see your diapered little bottoms there! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
October 22, 2008

Diaper Lover’s Dream

I think we’d all love to be in this position, eh? To either be able to say it, or to be the one its said to. Or both! The things I love about wearing diapers: They’re cute. They make any butt look adorable. They’re a security blanket. They save me from having to get up and go potty when I’m involved in something I don’t want interrupted. For the disposables, they’ve got that lovely crinkle to them. For the cloth, ohmy the softness and the diaper pins! (Make mine purple […]
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