March 12, 2009


Aren’t you glad you are all grown up now? Now YOU get to choose when to play. *giggles* And if you want a whole room filled with playpen balls, you can do just that! Wouldn’t it be great just to get into a diaper and then jump into all those balls? Think of how fun that would be! We could play hide and go seek, bury each other under the balls, put the balls down our diapers, throw them at each other, stuff balls down our onesies and laugh and […]
September 3, 2008

Party time!

So my friend’s birthday is coming up, and I did the most ornery thing to her. I went to her house and I filled her entire room as full as I could with balloons! Balloons of all shapes and sizes. I even had a special balloon bouquet made up and tied them to her door. She had no idea and when she came back from class I was waiting there for her with a silly grin on my face. We spent quite a while laughing and popping balloons. Some of […]
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