August 7, 2008

Diapers with Pockets

One of the friendly abies was in the chat room with some others and me. We were talking about pockets. Then how he didn’t have pockets on his diaper. So I started joking about sewing pockets in diapers. It might be cute for a plushie, a little mini cloth diaper with a pocket on it? Then I got to thinking about a small piece of cloth in the shape of a diaper. Then it open up so you can keep your paci there. I would love to make one of […]
July 17, 2008

Diaper Slaves

   I play with a lot of men that are not into being babies as much as they are into diapers for punishment as a slave. As a Mommy do I mind that? No, I was a Mistress before I was a Mommy. I am a bit more nurturing than I was as a Domme, but I enjoy play of all different kinds. Sometimes my abie and I go back to the dynamic we had a Mistress and slave, and skip the ABDL and just play the way we used […]
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