March 25, 2009

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! I just love spring flowers don’t you? Daffodils, tulips, peonies, and all the trees in bloom! Who can resist sitting under a sweet cherry tree having a picnic in our diapers? Wouldn’t that be so wonderful? Having a nice light lunch of fresh fruit, raw veggies and dip and perhaps a sandwich? We could feed each other and then afterwards we could change each other, all while outside in the fresh spring air. Oh a picnic with you this Spring would be so much fun! *kisses* CousinJenna 1 […]
March 12, 2009


Aren’t you glad you are all grown up now? Now YOU get to choose when to play. *giggles* And if you want a whole room filled with playpen balls, you can do just that! Wouldn’t it be great just to get into a diaper and then jump into all those balls? Think of how fun that would be! We could play hide and go seek, bury each other under the balls, put the balls down our diapers, throw them at each other, stuff balls down our onesies and laugh and […]
February 25, 2009


Do you have your protection? Are you all diapered up and ready for some fun? I love to get diapered up, and snuggle on the couch and watch scary movies just to see how often I can pee my diaper when I get scared. I sit there and hope it doesn’t leak before the movie is over with. Scary movies and stories make me jump and pee my diaper a lot! Do they do that to you as well? Would you like to see whose diaper fills up faster? *giggles* […]
February 18, 2009

Will you?

Will you be the one who finally holds me down long enough to force a diaper on me? Will you be the one to finally conquer me and make me submit to your diaper fantasies? Will you love changing my diaper? Will you get a little frisky with me in the process? *giggles* I look forward to finding out if you’re the one who can do all these things for me. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
February 5, 2009

Diaper Lovers

I so enjoy my talks with my diaper lovers. Sometimes we role play and sometimes we just talk about our love of diapers. We have such a great time on the phone the time just fly’s by. Talking about the feel and crinkle of that diaper is super HOT. *giggles* I can not wait to talk to you. What will we talk about?? hhhmmmm Diaper play, a bit of role play, or just talk about wearing and were we went in our diapers. *giggles* Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2009

Mommy Magic

Mommy has magic for adult babies, sissies and diaper lovers. Yes she does. Mommy makes you feel all tingly inside and out. *giggles* Diaper changes, a loving voice, spankings, humiliation, frilly clothing, and lots more. If you want to just talk Mommy has a magic ear just for you. She will sprinkle you with her magic dust, or wave her magic wand, and you will be transformed to a magical world where anything is possible.   Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
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