November 12, 2008

Food fun

There’s just something about fruit. It’s tasty. It’s filling. It’s good for you. And it’s great to share! I love taking fruit and cutting it up and sharing it with that someone special bit by bit. I love it when fresh pineapple drips down my hands and you need to lick up the juices. I love eating fruit off your body, nibbling it and licking it up. I love to have fun and play “catch” with your diaper, seeing how much fruit I can toss into it from across the […]
November 6, 2008

For all my Diaper Lovers!!

I found this cool picture and wanted to share it with all my wonderful DLs. Just like you we love the feel, smell, and comfort of a diaper. There are things a diaper can only do for you. The nice warm sensation you get when you first wet your diaper and every time after that. This is the feeling you can only get when wearing a diaper. You start to want to wear more and more and you do. YES we love diapers. “giggle” Who will I get to change […]
October 22, 2008

Diaper Lover’s Dream

I think we’d all love to be in this position, eh? To either be able to say it, or to be the one its said to. Or both! The things I love about wearing diapers: They’re cute. They make any butt look adorable. They’re a security blanket. They save me from having to get up and go potty when I’m involved in something I don’t want interrupted. For the disposables, they’ve got that lovely crinkle to them. For the cloth, ohmy the softness and the diaper pins! (Make mine purple […]
October 17, 2008

Basket Full Of Goodies!!!!

It is so great to have a basket full of goodies for your nursery. My basket is nice and full for all the wonderful Abies out there 🙂 Lots of cloth and disposable diapers, plastic pants, diaper pins, powder, lotion, warm wipes, Abie toys, and binkies. What fun we have!! If abie is naughty corner time and spanking have to be given, always with love. Sometimes Abies just need some discipline to make them good little Abies. Dommy Mommy Lexus
October 10, 2008

Love My Sissy Baby

Mommy loves sissy baby! Mommy dresses you up in a pretty pink dress and teaches you how to sing “I am a Little Tea Pot”. Mommy then invites all my friends over so my little sissy baby can sing our new song to them. They laugh and laugh and Mommy’s little sissy baby gets so excited you wet your nappy. Mommy did not say you could wet your nappy. You are going to get a spanking for being a bad little sissy baby. Mommy turns you over her knee and […]
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