December 4, 2010


This has got to be my all time favorite lullaby!  If you get a chance, you should really check it out! (here’s the link to it on YouTube – ) Dreamland (by Mary Chapin Carpenter) Sun goes down and says goodnight Pull your covers up real tight By your bed we’ll leave a light To guide you off to dreamland   Your pillows soft your bed is warm Your eyes are tired when day is done One more kiss and you’ll be gone On your way to dreamland   […]
July 18, 2010

Disturbing Lullaby

I found the lyrics to this lullaby and thought, awww that sounds just so pretty. Dodo Titit (Haitian Creole) Dodo titit* Si ou pa dodo, krab la va manje ou Dodo titit, krab lan kalalou** Then I looked up the Translation and found out what it means: Sleep Little One (English Translation) Sleep little one, If you don’t sleep, The crab will eat you Sleep, little one. Crab in Okra Gumbo** Yes nothing brings someone a peaceful slumber as knowing that if you don’t fall asleep soon a crab will […]
November 8, 2009

Orion Is Arising

This is one of my all time favorite songs. It’s so pretty. If you can look for it online so you can hear it. It’s a fantastic bedtime song. 🙂 Liz 1.888.430.2010 Orion is arising You can see his stars ablazing Way out here in the middle of a deep blue country sky. And still what is amazing You can see his stars ablazing Way out here where nothing hides it from my eyes. And sleeping outside in a bag as a kid It seems like the best thing that […]
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